Imagine Rachel Getting Married, but instead of one emotionally unpredictable family member silently threatening to upset a family wedding, there are multiple. Enter Another Happy Day, the directorial debut of Sam Levinson (son of Barry) which features Ellen Barkin in a juicy comeback role as the volatile mother of the groom, Ellen Burstyn as her mother, Thomas Haden Church as her ex, Demi Moore as her ex's new wife, recent Verge designee Ezra Miller as her drug addict son and Kate Bosworth as her cutter daughter. If your head's not yet spinning, click ahead to see the family member-on-family member emotional crimes on display in the trailer for the messy matrimonial movie event of the year.
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As soon as he took the reins on this week's remake of Sam Peckinpah's brutal 1971 classic Straw Dogs, writer-director Rod Lurie knew the haters would come in droves. "From the minute we announced it everybody was on my ass in the blogosphere, telling me that I couldn't carry his jockstrap and I'll never be Sam Peckinpah," Lurie told Movieline on the eve of his film's release. But with his updated take on the Peckinpah film, which transplants the violent tale to the American South and re-envisions protagonists David and Amy Sumner (James Marsden and Kate Bosworth) as a Hollywood couple fighting off fire and brimstone-raised good ol' boys, Lurie was never attempting to mimic Peckinpah at all -- in fact, he was doing just the opposite.
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Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine, and Matthew McConaughey kicked things off with Richard Linklater's Bernie. Ryan Gosling, Christina Hendricks, and their Drive co-stars hit the red carpet with director Nicolas Winding Refn. Kate Bosworth & Co. presented the indie rom-com Life Happens the same night that the cast of the vogueing flick Leave it on the Dance Floor turned a rooftop party into a runway ball complete with live performances, drag queens, and wanton fabulousness. The 2011 L.A. Film Fest is in full swing, and so is Movieline's star-studded red carpet gallery! Hit the jump for a peek at the celebs (and divas) who hit the fest this weekend.
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Take a deep breath, folks, and prepare for the nearly three minutes of tense exchanges and brutal violence (five words: boiling oil in the face) that comprise the first trailer for Rod Lurie's Straw Dogs remake. The setting has been moved to the Deep South, but the character relationships and abject horrors look to be faithfully evocative of Sam Peckinpah's original film, which taught audiences why you should never push a mild-mannered husband to the brink of desperation.
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Here's your first look at images from Rod Lurie's Straw Dogs remake, which moves the setting of Sam Peckinpah's 1971 film from England to America, and sets up L.A. couple James Marsden and Kate Bosworth for a really unpleasant vacay in the Deep South. The EW scans also include your first look at True Blood's Alexander Skarsgård in the role of Charlie, a character at the center of the original film's most controversial scenes.
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