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POLL: Holy Latex Rash! Does The New Robocop Exo-Skeleton Look Too Much Like The Batsuit?

POLL: Holy Latex Rash! Does The New Robocop Exo-Skeleton Look Too Much Like The Batsuit?

Well, I don't see any latex nipple protrusions, but our sister site Deadline makes an interesting point.  After posting an exclusive shot of Joel Kinnaman in the new black RoboCop suit for Jose Padilha's remake,  Deadline noted that "The outfit does kinda have a Tim Burton's Batman feel to it — a far cry from Peter Weller's metallic get-up in the original.   So, we'd like to put the question to you.  Does the RoboCop 2.0 suit remind you too much of a certain Caped Crusader's black get-up?  Take the poll after the jump. RoboCop hits theaters on Aug. 9, 2013. So, the good news is, even if you don't like it, you have time to get used to it.  Oh yes, and one clarifying point about the nipples: as our commenter "Horrified" points out, those design details weren't added until Joel Schumacher took the reins from Burton to direct Batman Forever and Batman & Robin.) more »

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On Joel Kinnaman and the Thing About RoboCop's Eyes

On Joel Kinnaman and the Thing About RoboCop's Eyes

I always thought what made the original RoboCop so affecting was the transition of Alex Murphy from family man and upstanding cop to firing-squad target to crime-fighting machine to vulnerable yet indestructible emo-robot hybrid. It made for an ingeniously subtle arc against which to project the rest of Paul Verhoeven's pulpy, gory social satire, and Peter Weller's performance — essentially three performances layered atop and influencing each other — provided the foundation on which the film has held up for a quarter-century. So I don't know what to make of... this, from RoboCop remake star Joel Kinnaman (via MTV):
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Is The Killing's Joel Kinnaman Your New RoboCop?

Joel Kinnaman (Getty Images)

These deals-in-the-making stories always carry a grain of salt since nothing in Hollywood is ever so sure just about until the cameras roll, but the trade scoop that The Killing's Joel Kinnaman may be your next RoboCop is just too tantalizing. Joel Kinnaman who, you may ask, and rightly so? The Swedish-American actor's been in a handful of stateside film projects here and there (including the recent Safe House and, briefly, Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) but the closer I look at his work, the more enticing this casting move becomes.
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Fantastic Fest: Jose Padilha Talks Oscar Entry Elite Squad 2, His Take on RoboCop, and Those Fassbender Rumors

Following the success of his 2007 cop drama Elite Squad, Brazilian filmmaker Jose Padilha turned his lens back on Rio de Janeiro's corrupt system in a sequel, Elite Squad 2: The Enemy Within. A critical and commercial smash that set box office records and was selected as Brazil's official Oscars entry, Elite Squad 2 played Sunday at Fantastic Fest where Movieline caught up with Padilha to discuss why his incisive films have resonated in Brazil and the philosophical questions raised in his remake of RoboCop, which he's currently writing. And what's up with those Michael Fassbender casting rumors?

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