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AFI Fest || ||

'Skyfall' Eyes Oscar Ambitions As 'Secret Screening' Is Set At AFI Fest Wednesday

'Skyfall' Eyes Oscar Ambitions As 'Secret Screening' Is Set At AFI Fest Wednesday

Skyfall is ready to get its L.A. close-up at AFI Fest Wednesday night. The latest James Bond film will have a "Secret Screening" tonight at the festival where free tickets are now available. The film, which has been a box office triumph in the U.K. where it opened in late October, has garnered critical acclaim and the title is even getting some early Oscar buzz - a feat that has eluded 007 over its 50 years.
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Bond at 50 || ||

Skyfall Scribe John Logan To Pen Two More Connected James Bond Pics

Skyfall Scribe John Logan To Pen Two More Connected James Bond Pics

With Skyfall's Daniel Craig seemingly winding down his reign as James Bond, it looks like screenwriter John Logan will be writing off into the sunset alongside him. Deadline reports that the Oscar-nominated Logan (Gladiator, The Aviator, Hugo) is writing two connected scripts that will likely see Craig through the last two 007 outings he's currently signed on for.
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