Who you gonna call to cast Ghostbusters 3 — if it ever gets made, that is? Don't count on Michael Cera. I got a brief moment to talk to the actor at the Sundance Film Festival on Thursday where his latest movie, Sebastián Silva's Crystal Fairy helped kick off the festival, and I took the opportunity to ask him if he'd been approached at all about the much-discussed Ghostbusters 3 film that co-creators Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis want to start shooting this year . more »

I just finished reading Brett Martin's profile of Bill Murray for the January issue of GQ, and while the story and Murray are highly entertaining, I'm tiring of reading profiles in which Murray simultaneously demonstrates how funny and how aimless he is. more »

Presenting the best-worst Bill Murray rumor of the week: The National Enquirer (I know, I know) reports that the actor has finally gotten around to that Ghostbusters threequel script he had been avoiding for months -- by shredding it and sending the carnage to Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis along with a note that read, "No one wants to pay money to see fat, old men chasing ghosts!" Fictional tabloid Bill Murray kind of has a point. [The Playlist]