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Offering a more straight-faced brand of idiocy than its cheerfully dumb 2009 predecessor, G.I. Joe: Retaliation might well have been titled G.I. Joe: Regurgitation, advertising big guns, visual effects and that other line of Hasbro toys with the same joyless, chew-everything-up-and-spit-it-out efficiency. Largely devoid of personality, apart from a few nifty action flourishes courtesy of helmer Jon M. Chu, Paramount’s late-March blockbuster, pushed back from a 2012 release (ostensibly to allow for a 3D conversion), may have trouble matching G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra’s $302 million worldwide gross. But with no shortage of merchandising and other cross-promotional opportunities, it should still score significant attention from targeted male viewers. more »

There's a lot to look at in this international trailer for G.I. Joe: Retaliation: Explosions. The muscled forms of Channing Tatum and Dwayne Johnson. More explosions. Masked men engaging in ninja sword fights while suspended from a snowy mountain. Avalanche! Jonathan Pryce appearing to reprise his role as the Bond villain in Tomorrow Never Dies. Bruce Willis making cracks about his cholesterol after a near-death experience. Wait! What? Isn't that what John McClane does in the Die Hard movies — like A Good Day to Die Hard, which hits movie theaters a month and a half before the G.I. Joe sequel? more »

Just about a month before hitting theaters (and right on the cusp of its theatrical marketing campaign), G.I. Joe: Retaliation has been pushed back by Paramount from June 29 to March 2013 to allow for a 3-D conversion. But director Jon M. Chu and the studio had deliberately opted for filming in 2-D before the 11th hour shift. So why opt for 3-D now?
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G.I. Joe: Retaliation director Jon M. Chu and star Dwayne Johnson popped up to unveil a new trailer for the exhibition pros Monday night at CinemaCon, where The Rock was dubbed the CinemaCon Action Star of the Decade and described with a nickname that's been floating around here and there for months: "Franchise Viagra." The new Rock-centric trailer for G.I. Joe: Retaliation seems to agree with that sentiment. So watch it below and discuss: Could Johnson's muscle-bound box office draw enhance just any limp franchise's potential?
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