It's no secret that indie filmmakers can often feel like Bob Cratchit, begging for just a little bit of coal from Scroogy Hollywood so they can keep their creative fire burning. more »

Also in Wednesday afternoon's round-up of news briefs, Fantastic Fest will close out its September event with Red Dawn. And David Slade is the eyed for a Disney pic based on a young-adult novel.
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For an independently produced comedy that mostly revolves around adults talking to each other — sometimes with child accessories — in varying degrees of inebriation, Friends with Kids is finding a modest amount of success. It’s not perfect, but somehow it manages to be funny without any accidental drug trips, grandmas shooting guns at the dinner table, or Tom Cruise rescuing Cameron Diaz from a crashing plane. Writer-director-co-star Jennifer Westfeldt has returned us a bit to the days of comedies of manners, instead of the awful dichotomy between shrill “romantic” comedy and Apatovian gross-out comedy where Hollywood seems stuck these days. In that spirit, here are four lessons future adult comedies should take from Friends with Kids.
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Edward Burns's newest film Newlyweds closed out the Tribeca Film Festival this year, and the director/writer/star is happy to tell you how he allocated the $9,000 in its budget: "5k for actors, 2k insurance, 2k food and drink. 9k in the can." That's according to Burns's Twitter, which is a pretty fun and inspiring scroll for independent filmmakers. Movieline premieres the new poster for Newlyweds after the jump.
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