The Toronto International Film Festival annually boasts one of the deepest and glitziest line-ups of the year, and while there are many under-the-radar discoveries to be made, TIFF can be a very effective launching pad for upcoming studio releases and Oscar hopefuls alike. With Tom Hanks, Ben Affleck, Ryan Gosling, Paul Thomas Anderson, Kristen Stewart, Jake Gyllenhaal, Spike Lee, Keira Knightley, Bill Murray and more bringing films to Toronto, which films and A-listers are set to make the biggest splash at the fest starting tomorrow night?
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Because it's always good to remember that when you're judging famous people on Twitter, they sometimes read it (and weep), Jimmy Kimmel corralled a gaggle of comedians and comic actors to read some of the meanest Tweet-critiques they've received for the camera. I think we can all take a few universal lessons from this video: Namely, that celebrities like Jason Bateman, Presidential candidate Roseanne, and Andy Dick really are like the rest of us little Tweeters -- well okay, maybe not Andy Dick. Also: Will Ferrell reads his @ messages while on the can, too! If that can't bring us together as a Tweeple, what will?
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Stars -- they're just like us! They don silly costumes, dress as sexy fill-in-the-blanks, and cavort around like giddy schoolchildren on Halloween. Some of them even take the October fright festivities a little too far (Heidi Klum, we're looking at you... in awe). Even politicians and Governators get into the spirit come Oct. 31! Click ahead to get inspiration for your clever costumes in Movieline's gallery, after the jump.
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