WATCH: Everything Is Connected − Including These Three TV Spots From The Very Cool Looking Cloud Atlas

It's a good fall for ambitious movies. In the wake of the September release of Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master, Warner Bros will open Tom Tykwer and the Wachowski siblings' Cloud Atlas to theaters on Oct. 26, and a trio of TV spots has begun building awareness of the film adaptation of David Mitchell's 2004 novel. Check out the clips after the jump and stay tuned for Jen Yamato's upcoming report on the film's debut at Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX on Wednesday night.
Mitchell's story featured six interconnected stories that spanned from the 19th century to a post-apocalyptic future. Judging from the TV spots, which feature Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and Hugo Weaving, among other cast members, Tykwer (Run, Lola, Run) and the Wachowskis have remained true to the book's central themes about the cyclical nature of life and the universality of human nature.
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