The 9 Most Intriguing, Still Perplexing New Clues as to What the Hell’s Going on in Prometheus

6. More on David, the cybernetic butler of Prometheus
Admitting that David’s robotic nature is revealed early on in the film, Fassbender identified his character’s personal journey as one of a sentient android acutely aware of his otherness and, perhaps, attempting to become more human. “I thought, how much will a program program itself?,” Fassbender said. “Would he start to develop his own personality traits and ego and insecurities, all the fun human stuff?”
In the film, David’s been the only crew member awake during their space voyage, who’s “been on his own for two and a half years while everyone else is in cryo… He relies on his imagination to keep himself occupied.”
7. A “killer app”
In the universe of Prometheus, Fassbender’s David is just one of thousands of service androids used as butlers, maids, valets, etc. “There are 20,000 other Davids out there who look like Fassbender,” Lindelof hinted, comparing the cybernetic beings to iPods – they’re all initially identical products that become individualized and re-skinned so that one is distinguishable from another.
Or, as Lindelof describes: David is the ultimate “killer app.” BUT WHAT DOES THAT REALLY MEAN??
8. The makers of Prometheus don’t want you to know too much, for your own good.
Scott and Lindelof addressed the tricky business of having to market a film like Prometheus while not wanting their audience to know too much going in. “There’s a quiet suspense to the movie,” Lindelof said. “It really takes its time… We don’t need things exploding every 10 minutes.”
Citing their trust in their audience to have faith and a bit of patience, they hope viewers will embrace more challenging storytelling that doesn’t force-feed viewers or talk down to them.
9. A Prometheus sequel is very possible – but won’t necessarily bridge the gap with Alien.
After Scott announced the possibility of continuing the Prometheus saga in additional films, Lindelof explained how Prometheus and any sequels would fit into Alien canon: Neither would serve as a direct lead-in to Alien, but would contextualize the Alien films while moving tangentially farther away from those stories, exploring new space in that same universe.
So there you have it: All the answers you've been seeking, right? If you ask me, stop reading spoilers and watching trailers and viral videos and whatnot from here on out. It's not that long until June - preserve what could be the best, most intelligent and scary and inventive science fiction moviegoing experience you'll have in a long time by going in like the maybe-probably doomed crew of the Prometheus.
Prometheus is in theaters June 8. Get more from WonderCon 2012.
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I want my own Fassbender robot.
Don't we all...
I know what to get my sister for her birthday this year.
Can't they move the release date like this coming Friday?
Great article Jen, great recap on the panel and all of the very interesting things mentioned. I can't wait for Prometheus, but this brings up so many intriguing questions. June can't get here fast enough!
Thanks A! And ditto, this is definitely one of my 2012 must-sees.
Freeze the trailer above at 1:37 and you can see an alien embedded in the wall. Looks like the original alien to me.
The first image in #3 above is the non-earth creature in the original Alien film that was sitting in the seat of the u-shaped spaceship that sent out the warning that they find in the beginning and had its chest burst open. So, I guess we will see what happened on that u-shaped ship pre-Alien.
The release date is my birthday!
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