American Idol Recap: Finding the No. 1 Among No. 1's

Ugh. Good try, season nine, but last night's performances of Billboard's No. 1 hits felt more like a sad carnival concert of dated ballads, stale beer and overplayed Best of the '70s jams that belong nowhere near the charts in 2010. Even with the guidance of ageless warlord Miley Cyrus, the contestants seemed lost and a little lonely during their performances, with stupid falsettos and nervous sweats once again threatening our good time. Still, we've got your Idol performances ranked worst-to-first after the jump.

11. Paige Miles, "Against All Odds"

Paige Miles has an undeniable gift -- for choosing ballads that she can't sing. Guh-her! There's not a single novel quality left in "Against All Odds," and Paige didn't add a thing to it. She's following the blueprint of some woebegone season-two contestant whose identity is wrapped up in serviceable takes on standards and bland hits. Take your Charlie Chaplin songbook and hide in the nearest hat and mustache, Paige.

10. Andrew Garcia, "I Heard It Through the Grapevine"

Khaki-coated peanut M&M Andrew Garcia is not haunted by his stupid-ass-train-station-breakdown version of "Straight Up." No, Kara. He's haunted by hokey stage presence, hilarious coos and the dance moves of an average youth-group administrator. This man shouldn't be leading the charts -- he should be leading scrawny preteens in cah-RAZY a cappella prayers. Marvin Gaye requires regular healing in addition to sexual now.

9. Katie Stevens, "Big Girls Don't Cry

Katie Stevens did her "I can young it up!" thing this week, opting to pick a tune that could've made her sound like she was born in the past 20 years. But as much as Randy Jackson insists that Idol is a singing competition, Katie proves it's not; She can sing, but she can't connect with a song, make it her own or make it memorable. And those qualities will be her downfall, eventually -- not her voice. As for sounding "beyond her years," as others keep claiming, I think Katie sounds like what she is: A 17-year-old reaching for relevance through her surprisingly deep tone. She's not there. Use a stepstool, dear. Or a Siobhan Magnus mask.

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  • Shakefellow says:

    Casey James is the next major recording star. From an old lady who loves music. This young man has the it factor and is a great musician. He's a great talent.

  • Michael Gallagher says:

    DiDi is clearly my favorite and her performance of You're No Good was fantastic and very sexy. She has style, stage presence, great voice and attitude. Yes, she is clearly star quality - I think the judges are sometimes bafoons and are sometimes way off base. Ellen D has no business being there - she just picks up on Randy's comments and that is it. I actually miss Paula - there needs to be a "positive" judge on the panel to help encourage the Idol want to be's. However, I need to point out that some in the top 24 are far better than the so-called top 11. As for the guys, most can just go home.
    Didi - you have my vote and I would play piano for you any day!!

  • Glenn says:

    Okay, I use to think Paige, Casey & Lee would challenge for this year's AI crown, but they just don't seem to have what it takes. I never knew what people saw in Garcia, and I still don't. He's just plain terrible. Mike has personality, and a decent voice. Didi has the unusual voice, but doesn't let loose. Crystal is one of the best ever on AI, and should win, hands down, unless AT&T runs another scam, like they did to Adam last year.

  • This years contestants are some of the weakest ever. But, as bad
    as they are, what I am really getting tired of are the judges. They
    are being overly critical (not just Simon) and they are totally
    confusing these contestants. Be original, find out who you are as
    a performer, take risks, try harder. bring more personality, etc..
    Then when the contestants try to do this they are totally shot down.
    They have really been given the round around!

  • Cathy W says:

    Plainly: Crystal is absolutely INCREDIBLE !!!
    Cathy W.

  • ebonyandivory says:

    Well, another season. So far, it's been a little tame but that's what was expected. Crystal is great though. Siobhan isn't far behind. And Katie's staying in there. She may be a 'dark horse' winner like Kris Allen was last year. Didi always seems "off", false, and trying too hard. I can't quite put my finger on it. Mike's got a great voice but I think he could have done much more with that song on last night's performance. It was an okay to me but, with his voice, he could've made it much better. Aaron's voice has to mature some IMHO. And Casey even drew raves from my resident rocker. So I guess he's decent. Lee was surprisingly good reminding me of a cross between Rascal Flatts and Ray Charles (country/blues/jazz). But IMO the winner of last night was Crystal by a mile.

  • Yo mama says:

    I've been an Idol fan since I tuned in for the first time in season 1 to see Justin and Kelly duking it out for the top title. I've been a fan of Bo Bice, Taylor Hicks, Chris Daughtry, Adam Lambert, and many others. So far, this is the most disappointing season ever. I'm totally done with Katie, who looks like a poor doe caught in the headlights and can't carry a tune. Paige has lost it completely, though I was fan early on. Lee has a voice but no personality. I was most disappointed to see Lilly leave--she was a real original. I thought that the final 4 would be Lilly, Crystal, Siobhan, and Michael Lynche, who doesn't get the credit he deserves for his smooth-as-budda voice and a boatload of charm. Crystal's voice and competence, her originality, and her humility are very appealing and I'm surprised that no one has pointed out how much like Bonnie Raitt she sounds. Tim is dull and his song choices are awful; Andy had his one Moment and nothing since; Aaron can sing but is so dreadfully unappealing that I prefer to leave and listen from the next room; Casey's cute and can sing, but again, his performances are bland and dull. Siobhan is a real original and the scream was entertaining the first time, okay the second time, and not so great last night. Interestingly, no one has commented that Siobhan's mezzo voce is delightful, smooth, and always on pitch. I don't vote until the finals (more interesting to see who America votes off), but my bet is it'll come down to Crystal and Siobhan, who both deserve. My 22 cents' worth (inflation!).

  • rina fehling says:

    My choice is Michael Lynche. He has a great voice and lots of charm...he is a serious musician..he knows how to use his beautiful voice and he knows what to do with a song..his talent is long lasting and he will not burn out., Big Mike can sing anything ..high notes, low notes, no notes......the ladies always get the benefit of the doubt and the compliments..maybe because they're prettier. but I love Mike and I pray he wins or at least makes it to the last two.

  • Louis Virtel says:

    I think you have a point when you say the judges are confusing contestants. Half the time when they say "from week to week you've improved" (or something similar), it makes no sense.

  • Louis Virtel says:

    Michael Gallagher, stick around! The Didi love has just begun.

  • Bobby says:

    Who are they kidding Didi didn't even belong in the top 12 much less at # 2 of the 11 left for last night's performance. She belongs at # 11 or # 10 at least.

  • stolidog says:

    My vote is for Tim Urban to replace the naked cowboy in NYC.

  • Louis Virtel says:

    Whaaaat? Then pray tell, who does belong? Didi, Crystal, and Siobhan are the only contestants who not only have voices but use them with a shred of individuality. P.S. FIGHT!

  • Louis Virtel says:

    I agree that Crystal is one of the best the show has ever seen. Skeptics are too used to the pageantry of past seasons; we don't need another Katharine McPhee.

  • Kim says:

    Did anyone happen to notice that when Andrew Garcia was singing "Heard it through the GrapeVine" that he was singing "Heard it through the Great Vine"? I was surprised that none of the judges picked up on it. I even watched it again to make sure I saw it correctly.

  • lin kirk says:

    No one has come close to Crystal .. Second place is Siobhan...then maybe Casey....Dede still want to hear more of her.

  • Paula Baker says:

    The performance by Crystal last night was, by far, one of the BEST I've seen for a very long time!

  • Sandy says:

    Well, Last night they could have taken Tim just as fast as far as I am concerned, He is taking up good stage time, He is a waste. Paige really hit the bomb as well!
    The judges don't know talent, When Ellen said Tim had the best vocals of the night I almost fell out of my chair, Where was she when Chrystal and Mike & Dee Dee were singing and Siobhan! Now if they kept those three and brought back Alex and Lilly we would have a good show, Except for those four, The best has already left the show! Where is Paula when you need her. Ellen, You need to keep the humor on your show,These kids need your help not your humor.

  • paul jones says:

    You must be on crack if you think Didi Barami was the 2nd best performer on this night.
    She did exhibit some flirty stage presence on the song , I'll grant you that, but she missed more notes than I missed in my HS Bio class in which I got a C. Sioban was much better, and is the only person who truley has a golden vocie and a 3 octave range and ability to make a song her own. Crystal is OK beacuiuse she is safe in what she does but has no stage presence and is unattractive to look at, and that is not star quality.
    My vote for magnus opus.

  • paul jones says:

    Didi #2 you got to be kidding.
    There is only 1 contestant who has star power which to me is a great voice, a personality, beauty and the ability to look great in different outfits and hairdos , and the ability to make a song her own and get the crowd up on its feet cheering. She is also the only one I heard who actually has a 3 octave range and can hit all her notes.- Sioban Magnus.

  • Jane says:

    Ellen is there with her humor to relieve the gigantic stress these kids are under. I think the contestants appreciate the brief levity. They seem to take a breath to laugh instead of holdly their breath and almost passing out waiting for Simon to say they were "corny".

  • Gerard says:

    Didi is so hot... I think I dreamt of kissing her last night.. lucky for her I worke up b/c I was a/b to get busy on her. 🙂
    I think she's really good!! Baby you're SO good!!

  • Ruth Butler says:

    I voted for Didi I love her voice. I listened to her this second time and like her more. She was not shrieking at all.
    Crystal can use more personality. It's almost as if she is embarrassed to be in AI because she needs the money or she is really shy. I think there is more depth that equals her great talent.

  • Ruth Butler says:

    I really like Ellen, too. Whether I am agreeing with her or not she has clarity and humor and is true to her personality that is all she is asking of others.

  • Joan Moss says:

    Didi? Give me a freakin break! She's mediocore at best. Very very forgettable. Lee? Common, guys! He's nothing but a halfway decent voice, and certainly nothing else. Crystal can sing, but she's boring as hell. She has no magic, nothing that dynamic at all. Michael is a big big try to be but won't cut it at all. Does anyone listen and really look? Katie has the voice and has tremendous room to grow. She's got talent, for heaven's sake. Aaron is the same. Wonderful, in fact, the best there, if you consider the whole package. Who the hell is voting for Garcia? Are you all mad? He has absolutely nothing! I guess there is a huge Mexican population there that votes for nothing but the heritage. Woe is me. You Hispanics are certainly showing your extreme ignorance. Go back to Mexico! Shit almighty!