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WATCH: From Ike To Obama, 60 Years Of Presidential Campaign Ads - The Election Supercut

WATCH: From Ike To Obama, 60 Years Of Presidential Campaign Ads - The Election Supercut

Election Day is upon us; go out and vote! Now! Then, to celebrate that crackle of nation-changing excitement hanging in the air, see how Presidents from Ike to Obama (and some of history's lesser-successful White House hopefuls) seized the hearts and minds of the American people as seen in this riveting, superbly-edited campaign ad supercut.
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WATCH: Will Ferrell Will Punch Himself In The Face (And More!) If You Vote

WATCH: Will Ferrell Will Punch Himself In The Face (And More!) If You Vote

After last week's bizarre President Camacho "Funny or Die" press conference, in which white people were severely maligned, the website has redeemed itself with a get-out-the-vote video from one of its founders, Will Ferrell.  I had to watch the video twice, because the first time, I was terribly distracted by the push-broom mustache Ferrell is wearing in the clip, which makes the number Gary Oldman wore in The Dark Knight Rises look inconspicuous by comparison.

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