With three laugh-out-loud trailers in circulation, This Is The End is looking like the comedy of the summer. At the very least, it's going to make the phrase "titty fucking" extremely popular. And if it doesn't live up to the hype? We'll always have this latest red band clip, which is such a laugh riot that I've taken the opportunity to list the 20 funniest moments, in ascending order. more »

Finally, an April Fool's joke that actually sells something. This clips starts out like a half-assed so-bad-it's-good sequel to Pineapple Express with Seth Rogen, James Franco and Danny McBride and eventually reveals itself to be a clip within a clip to one of the most hotly anticipated movies of the summer: The funny actor apocalypse movie, This Is The End.
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If you read World War Z, your favorite chapter might be the one where a bunch of insufferable celebrities move into a heavily fortified compound together to ride out the zombie apocalypse in high style. Given that they're all basically awful people, things don't go so well and they all die. Alas, Mark Forster's movie version probably won't include that moment, but Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Pineapple Express team is giving us the next best thing, with This Is The End, a raunchy comedy that asks 'what would happen if almost everyone who works with Judd Apatow survived a worldwide apocalypse?' Well, not everyone (alas, poor Michael Cera,), but enough people to populate the next ten years of dude-oriented R-rated comedies.
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