It's hard to believe it's been 13 years since Jason Biggs first made sweet, sweet love to that apple pie, but with this week's American Reunion the gang is back, three sequels and four subpar spin-off movies later, to catch up and wax nostalgic about the good old days. Marinate on where all those years went while you catch up with the American Pie gang in Movieline's Then and Now gallery and inevitably decide -- as we all do on occasion while wine-drunk, yearbook in hand -- which among them aged the best over the years.
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“If you show a woman’s mammary glands, if it’s done poorly, it instantly takes away from the comedic element of the scene. It’s too jarring. But [my husband] Chris [Pratt] and I were pitching around a character, a Hollywood-mess character on the red carpet at the opening of a movie. She’s talking to these journalists and she’s wasted. One boob is completely out, and she’s talking on and on, like, [Faris slurs] ‘I’m so excited to be here.’ If you held it long enough and kept it going, just the one boob, it would be so funny.” [BlackBook]
Look, I'm excited to revisit American Pie, all right? Jason Biggs is hilarious, Thomas Ian Nicholas is still winsome in his hirsute state, Chris Klein has hilarious Street Fighter cred now, and Seann William Scott has apparently updated his repertoire to include Twilight jokes -- at least according to the movie's new trailer. Check it out after the jump if, like me, you're game for yet another hornball summit.
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