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Gary Oldman Gives Dramatic Reading of Jersey Shore Recap

Forget Transformers TV spots and Oscar frontrunner Jean Dujardin's racy French posters; let's talk about Best Actor nominee Gary Oldman and the Jersey Shore bump he's about to get from this dramatic reading of Snooki peeing her pants. Jimmy Kimmel put the Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy star up to the stunt on his late night show -- Which is on television! That thing that Oscar voters watch!
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Blame the Farrelly Bros. When the Jersey Shore Kids Pursue Acting Careers

Blame the Farrelly Bros. When the Jersey Shore Kids Pursue Acting Careers

So the Farrelly Brothers decided to give the kids from Jersey Shore a cameo in their upcoming Three Stooges reboot (Oh, the jokes write themselves...) which turned out to be such an amazing experience that Sammi "Sweatheart" Giancola, Jenni "JWoww" Farley, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, and Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi may now turn their fist-pumping sights on second careers as actors. At least when this nightmare comes to pass, we know who to blame.

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