Actor Stephen Lang, award-winning veteran of stage, film, and television, earned his biggest success to date playing the hardened Colonel Miles Quaritch in James Cameron's Avatar. But in the wake of Avatar, the character actor was looking for a departure of sorts, and he found it in the mythic fantasy landscape conceived by Robert E. Howard playing a bloodthirsty warlord in Marcus Nispel's Conan the Barbarian.
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Meeting Rose McGowan over the weekend at Comic-Con, she instinctively offered her left hand first. Having injured her other arm weeks ago in the goriest window-related accident I've ever heard, she'd flown into San Diego to promote this summer's Conan the Barbarian, touted as one of the bloodiest action pics of the year. But to hear her tell it, Conan the Barbarian's got nothing on McGowan's last few years when it comes to struggle and pain -- and yet, she credits the summer swords 'n' sorcery pic with changing her mind about quitting Hollywood.
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Hot on the heels of Fast Five's post-racial success at the box office comes the first trailer for Lionsgate's Conan the Barbarian, a suitably metal-scored, sword-swinging affair featuring hunky Jason Momoa as the titular warrior. Coincidence of timing or part of a brave new movement in big, beefy action filmmaking? Consider this: the baddies are played by Rose McGowan and Avatar's Stephen Lang. Ah, fantasy: The great equalizer!
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