Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock will take on a boy band for his next project and rabid fans will get a 3-D view. U.K. group One Direction will be the subject of a film by the Oscar-nominated director in a project that will be produced by X-Factor producer Simon Cowell.
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Look, it's okay if you don't know your 2 Chainz from your Tyga, or One Direction from The Wanted, or your which newly-shorn platinum blonde pop singer is totes biting that other platinum blonde pop singer's style. We're here to help. Place your wizened finger on the pulse of today's 4G-cruising, MTV-addled tweens and get to know 10 random red carpet-traipsing hipster rappers, teen idols, one hit wonders and zeitgeist peddlers selling culture to today's youth at tonight's MTV Video Music Awards.
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