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Wait! What? New ID Documentary Contends O.J. Simpson Didn't Do It

Wait! What?  New ID Documentary Contends O.J. Simpson Didn't Do It

Are the 1994 murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman about to get a new, unexpected chapter?  On Monday, the New York Post reported that the ID (as in Investigation Discovery) cable channel will air a documentary titled My Brother the Serial Killer that presents evidence that the subject of the film, Glen Rogers, who may have killed as many as 70 to 80 people, is the "likely" killer of the two, not O.J. Simpson, as has been frequently speculated in the media. more »

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How Man on a Ledge Writer Got His Ph.D. in Preposterous

How Man on a Ledge Writer Got His Ph.D. in Preposterous

If you think his screenplay is implausible, check out Pablo Fenjves's earlier work: "Fenjves, who lived in Brentwood in the early '90s, was the person who heard a dog wailing at the time of the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. Even odder, Fenjves found himself years later ghost-writing Simpson's If I Did It pseudo-memoir." [THR]