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Jon M. Chu On Never Say Never Redux, the Death of Film, and Bieber's Rolling Stone Comments

Jon M. Chu On Never Say Never Redux, the Death of Film, and Bieber's Rolling Stone Comments

If you thought you'd seen the last of pop phenom Justin Bieber (well, for a while) after his rocku-biopic Never Say Never opened two weeks ago, his Rolling Stone interview hit, he died in a hail of gunfire on CSI, and he cut that magical hair, think again: In an unprecedented move by Paramount and director Jon M. Chu, a new cut of the film is being re-released to theaters this Friday for a limited one-week run. So why the Bieber Redux? And why are non-Beliebers buzzing about the impact Never Say Never: The Director's Fan Cut could have on the future of filmmaking?

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Bieber Doc Director Jon M. Chu Predicts Social Network Oscar Win (Duh)

Bieber Doc Director Jon M. Chu Predicts Social Network Oscar Win (Duh)

Earlier today Movieline caught up with director/digital wunderkind Jon M. Chu, helmer of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, to follow-up on the recently announced Director's Fan Cut hitting North American theaters on Friday. While you wait with bated breath for the full chat, posting on Wednesday, find out why Chu pegged David Fincher's The Social Network to come home with Oscar gold this Sunday.

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