In a new interview over at The Hollywood Reporter, Jeremy Renner gets real about his on-the-brink career and personal life -- like, so real you'll want to give him a hug and then buy all the tickets for Bourne just to help him on his humble way towards megamillionaire action hero status. He's either a calculatedly brilliant PR strategist or a walking country song. Either way, this dog-loving, single dude, does-his-own-stunts part-time house-flipper is sure to endear himself to all four quadrants with this profile-boosting piece. Oh Jeremy Renner, don't be so sad!
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Late night host Jimmy Kimmel's tradition of filming a post-Oscar movie-related spoof continued Sunday night with a "trailer" for Movie: The Movie, the ultimate star-studded epic to end all epics. In addition to featuring a host of stars, from Taylor Lautner to Helen Mirren to Tyler Perry (er, "Daniel Day-Lewis as Tyler Perry as George Washington"), the Kimmel-produced gag covered just about every genre and trope known to the movies. I give it a few years before some suit turns this into a reality.
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In this weekend’s wildly reckless financial risk fantasy We Bought a Zoo, moneyed-but-totes-normal Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon), a recently widowed father of two, experiences a fit of Jerry Maguire insanity and moves his family into a zoo. Director Cameron Crowe and co-written by Aline Brosh McKenna (27 Dresses) would have you think this is a good idea, since (spoiler!) Mee’s selfish, shortsighted, and borderline negligent decisions result in an uplifting, golden-hued ending, not to mention the love of a certain crunchy-but-smokin’ hot lady zookeeper. But Movieline knows better. Study the litany of ill-advised risks and bad judgment calls Benjamin Mee makes for himself and his two young children. In these trying times, let his story not be a lesson.
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"I don't blame Tony for taking a boatload of money and handing in what he handed in," Matt Damon told GQ recently about Gilroy's script for the third Jason Bourne film, The Bourne Ultimatum -- a script Gilroy agreed to write for "an exorbitant amount of money" as long as he only had to provide one draft and pay no regard to studio notes. "It's just that it was unreadable. This is a career-ender. I mean, I could put this thing up on eBay and it would be game over for that dude. It's terrible. It's really embarrassing. He was having a go, basically, and he took his money and left." Gilroy wrote and directed the latest Bourne film The Bourne Legacy, due in theaters this August with Jeremy Renner starring. [GQ via indieWire]

Earlier this year producer Jerry Weintraub predicted Oscar gold for one of his upcoming pet projects, the Steven Soderbergh-helmed Liberace biopic. "I've got a great script, it's a great story, and they're great characters," he enthused to Movieline. "That's what I make movies about. It's going to win an Academy Award... for Michael Douglas." Well, not so fast.
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Who can think about naked Scarlett Johansson photos today when the new trailer for Cameron Crowe's We Bought a Zoo has just debuted, amirite?? Take a look at Crowe's first feature since Elizabethtown, about a single father (Matt Damon) who moves his family into a zoo to turn things around by helping animals and stuff. Also, to fall for impassioned zookeeper Scarlett Johansson. Quite a coincidence of timing, no?
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"No, I have no idea about any of it. All I know is that it doesn't preclude Paul [Greengrass] and me from doing another one of ours," original Bourne series star Matt Damon teased recently when asked if he'd show up to pass the torch to Jeremy Renner in Tony Gilroy's 2012 sequel The Bourne Legacy. Cheeky as that answer is, Damon was quick to play nice anyhow. "He's got a whole other thing that they're doing and I wish them well," he added, "and Tony [Gilroy's] really smart. I'm sure they're going to be great." So, no hard feelings. Really. [MTV]
"Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anyone. Stay away from other people!" If the first trailer for Steven Soderbergh's Contagion is a little paranoid-inducing, maybe that's for the best. Once the birds start weaponizing avian flu for use on us humans, it's only a matter of time before the streets empty themselves of humanity. Jude Law's bubble boy suit isn't looking so silly now!
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No actor has made a career of exerting determination to the extent that Matt Damon has. In the Bourne movies, he burned himself down to a central nervous system -- his focus fried away unnecessary calories. In The Informant!, the comedy comes from doughy Mark Whitacre's single minded pursuit of the life he has in his head; the weight he happily carries didn't make him earthbound. That film's examination of identity played like a Philip K. Dick adaptation; it seems to serve the purpose of making writer/director George Nolfi's simultaneously drab and florid adaptation of Dick's Adjustment Team superfluous.
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Jude Law was captured by photographers in San Francisco filming the Steven Soderbergh science thriller Contagion, in which he, Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Marion Cotillard battle a deadly disease. But you know what? None of those lucky co-stars got to don a sexy Hazmat uniform! Jude looks so happy in his plastic head cube, doesn't he?
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