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REVIEW: Madea's Witness Protection Proves It's Time for Tyler Perry to Hang Up the Dress

REVIEW: Madea's Witness Protection Proves It's Time for Tyler Perry to Hang Up the Dress

With Tyler Perry gradually segueing toward non-drag leading man status with Good Deeds and the upcoming James Patterson thriller Alex Cross, his latest appearance as the sassy, wisdom-dispensing matriarch of the title in Madea's Witness Protection has an aura of fatigued reluctance to it, as does the film itself. Perry mentioned to Movieline that while he planned to keep with the character as long as there was demand from audiences, he "would be pretty good with passing it on," and certainly in her franchise's seventh installment Mabel Simmons, better known as Madea, seems ready to do the same, unable to summon the usual levels of outrageousness as she once again plays magical mender of other people's problems.
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Posters || ||

Madea's Witness Protection Poster: Which of These Things Doesn't Belong?

Madea's Witness Protection Poster: Which of These Things Doesn't Belong?

You I asked for it, you got it: The first poster for Madea's Witness Protection, which finally brings Tyler Perry's muumuued menace to Manhattan. It's about time! Also: Who invited Eugene Levy? This isn't an Olsen twins movie, for Christ's sake.
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Quick Take || ||

Great Moments in Hype: Madea's Witness Protection Edition

"We loved the witness protection concept from the second we heard it, but when Tyler cast comedy icon Eugene Levy and put him under the same roof with Madea and Uncle Joe, he took this movie to a whole new level." [Coming Soon]