It's been known to galvanize everybody from the upper echelons of Academy leadership to the vexed likes of Corey Feldman. But regardless of the politics and passions, it's ultimately the all-too-rare equalizer for folks looking to play the odds at any Oscar party: The In Memoriam montage.
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He had divisive opinions and a rare mind, but the late, great Christopher Hitchens also, from time to time, deviated from politics, culture, and history to examine other important issues including film, filmmakers, and -- importantly! -- how to make tea. Pour one out for Hitch today -- the proper way, no dunking -- with his wise words from last year.
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Film producer and studio executive Laura Ziskin passed away Sunday after a public battle with cancer, having established a distinguished career as one of Hollywood's most prominent female producers. Her notable credits include Pretty Woman (1990), Hero (1992), To Die For (1995), As Good as It Gets (1997), as well as all three of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films and the upcoming reboot The Amazing Spider-Man. Ziskin was 61.
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