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Wrath of the Titans Trailer: Sweet Dreams Are Made of CG

The first trailer for the action sequel Wrath of the Titans just hit, and -- what's that? You forgot this movie existed entirely? And you're tired of replaying the new Dark Knight Rises trailer over and over again just to make out Bane's muffled dialogue? I'm pretty sure he's growling something along the lines of, "Geez, didja see the new Wrath of the Titans trailer? They really did a number on poor Sam Worthington's hair, amirite?" Holy Greek demigods, people -- he's like Kenny Powers in sandals. Curls will rise, and then some. Watch the CG spectacular after the jump.

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Interviews || ||

Tarsem on Going Mainstream with Immortals and the Race to Finish Mirror, Mirror Before Snow White

Tarsem on Going Mainstream with Immortals and the Race to Finish Mirror, Mirror Before Snow White

Some directors clearly have no filter and suffer for it; others choose to live altogether filter-less, playing the game their own way, on their own terms. Which is why earlier this year Movieline anointed Tarsem Singh (The Cell, The Fall) the honey badger of Hollywood; an indie film talent recently gone mainstream -- who wore a homemade shirt proclaiming "I've been media trained" at WonderCon -- Tarsem's infamously cheeky public persona might threaten to overtake his work if only his films, just three features to date counting this week's Immortals, weren't so distinctive and gorgeous.

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