What a weekend for Dr. Seuss's The Lorax: The environmentally tinged adaptation became the latest of the beloved author's film spinoffs to capture the top box-office perch. Meanwhile, the raunchy Project X settled in quietly behind it, earning roughly a dollar per topless scene en route to second place. Your Weekend Receipts are here.
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Hollywood's biggest winners this weekend weren't confined just to the Kodak Theater (or whatever they call it now). A new-release frame well-known for its particularly aromatic qualities nevertheless had its success stories, led by an elite squad of Navy SEALs and our old friend Tyler Perry. Naturally. Your Weekend Receipts are here.
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Tyler Perry doesn't don drag or delve into religion in his latest, Good Deeds — the film isn't part of the prolific entertainment giant's Madea franchise (next stop Madea's Witness Protection, slated for later in 2012), but rather of his less broad line of feel-good dramedies like Daddy's Little Girls and Why Did I Get Married? But despite the restrained tone, it's no less savvy an entertainment, one that Perry wrote, directed and stars in as San Francisco businessman Wesley Deeds, the wealthy, perfect son of a good family, head of the company his father created. Wesley's life changes when he meets Lindsey (Thandie Newton), a beleaguered single mom who works as the night janitor in his office building.
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"I’ll keep this short and sweet because it's been a rough 12 days for me, with what would have been my mother’s 67th birthday one day and the awful news about Whitney the next. I can’t even think about it... we’ll talk about that some other time, but for now I just want to be sure you’re planning on going to the movie theaters to see Good Deeds this weekend." [TylerPerry.com]