One of the running gags in Fox's effervescent hit high school series Glee is that no matter how things occasionally come up roses for the show choir freaks and geeks of McKinley High, there's always someone, slushie in hand, waiting to take the Gleeks down a peg or two back to cold, brutal reality. Ironically, it's that same multicolored frozen treat, globbed at the screen in slow-motion over the end credits of Glee: The 3D Concert Movie, that underscores a similar, sad burst of recognition that's perhaps been long coming: For all the uplifting, inclusive good that Glee inspires in its young target demographic, it's a property that's become high on its own self-projected, self-congratulatory fantasy of "fuck the haters" do-goodingness. And there's nothing more that Glee needs or deserves right now than a slushie to the face.
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It's time to face facts: Justin Bieber is the future. You may have resisted his viral ascent to YouTube glory, or rebuffed those confection-like hit singles as they attempted to infect your brain, but this week, as his biopic-rockumentary Never Say Never hits screens nationwide -- yes, documenting all 16 drama-filled years of this pop icon's life -- we will all fall prey to the epidemic of adorbs. Here's why you should just sit back and succumb to the Bieber Fever.
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Having proved his facility bringing pop entertainment to a young, plugged-in audience with successes both theatrical (Step Up 2 & 3) and digital (The LXD), 31-year-old director Jon M. Chu was in many ways the perfect choice to helm a biopic of YouTube sensation-turned-pop phenom Justin Bieber. The resulting film, Never Say Never, is a generation-defining concert doc filled with rare peeks into the life of the 16-year-old performer. It's also got slo-mo hair tosses and shirtless scenes. Bieber Nation, prepare thyself.
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