Beyond Superheroes, Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Blossoms

Congratulations Marvel’s The Avengers, you win. But some people did break away from the mobs to see something different. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel did a fine job launching in 27 theaters, grossing $750,000 for a $27,789 average. Pretty good, all things considered, and only a tad shy of last weekend’s $30,000 per-theater average for Richard Linklater's Bernie. Meanwhile, the people behind the latter film weren’t shy singing its praises. “Bernie is a potential crossover hit best reviews of [Jack] Black’s career. His audience could show up big,” Cinetic’s John Sloss told us. His company sold the film to Millennium back in July and he’s still looking out for it on a sunny Sunday... Read more at Deadline.