Need something to help you get over the taste left by last weeks revelation that Charles Schulz was really bad at sending adulterous love letters to women half his age? Why not watch proof that the future for the neurotic, preternaturally mature children of Peanuts is as utterly bleak as you always pictured it would be!
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"There are three reasons to watch a Christmas film. [...] I have the perfect culmination to all three of those scenarios, and it not only involves a shit-ton of novelty songs, but also Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. So here's the truest thing I'll ever tell you: Holiday Inn is the Classic Hollywood Christmas Movie to rule them all, and the $2.99 you'll spend renting it on iTunes is a third of what you'd spend on a glass of wine at a respectable establishment. (That is how I judge expenses: that sparkly Christmas dress costs five G.O.W [glasses of wine]; a ticket to see The Fassbender in the theater costs two.)" [The Hairpin]
Milla Jovovich is not just an arresting Fifth Element star and an above-average Project Runway judge -- she's also a roving reporter on the set of her own movie, Resident Evil: Retribution. Jovovich tweeted a holiday-themed video from "Camp Evil," and her version of Santa Claus will haunt you until Christmas day. It's beginning to look a lot like the antichrist!
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Writer-director Shane Black is reportedly in negotiations to direct Iron Man 3, taking over from series helmer Jon Favreau for the threequel, which is already slated for release on May 3, 2013. But hey, no pressure! Two years should be plenty of time for the guy who wrote Lethal Weapon in six weeks. Besides, Black's got plenty of qualifications that should inspire fanboy confidence. Such as:
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