Let's be honest: Nobody watches the People's Choice Awards for the actual awards. As awards season proper kicks off it's a populist popularity contest, a loose warm-up to this weekend's Golden Globes, a pit stop on the tour of red carpet photo ops for celebrities and TV stars and actors with upcoming movies to pimp. But events like this give us lovely little gifts, random social snapshots that peek behind the curtain of celebrity. Last night they gave us Hunger Games tingles. Cute coupledom. And, perhaps best of all, Robert Pattinson having a ball with Betty White.
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The Lorax is one of Dr. Seuss's most didactic books, which makes it seem less intriguing as a candidate for the big screen. But avast! The trailer for the animated The Lorax -- which features the voices of Danny DeVito, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Betty White, and Ed Helms -- is positively fresh and ebullient. Forests of Pez-colored pompoms! Popsicle-colored streets! An environmentally friendly message dressed up in Tropical Skittles! It's a must-watch.
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This Marine Corps. Ball business is getting out of hand! A week after Friends with Benefits stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake received their invitations to various Marine Corps. Balls from members of the armed forces, Betty White was asked out by Sgt. Ray Lewis. Sadly, White declined, leaving poor Sgt. Lewis dateless. And that's when Linda Hamilton stepped in.
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