Let's play a little game of Would You Rather, felony crime edition: Would you rather sit through all of Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, or have a naked man flash your children from the first row of a movie theater? That's the conundrum some parents were faced with last weekend in a Chicago area multiplex when one Edward L. Brown interrupted an afternoon showing of the latest Fox chipmunk sequel. Details inside! (And it only gets weirder!)
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'Twas the weekend of Christmas, and all through the house, many studio executives had good reason to grouse... Ugh, sorry about that -- it's the egg nog. In fairness, the holiday frame actually signaled a nice rebound from previous weekends (which, when considering the utter horror show this month's been, isn't saying so much, but still). Who got what they wanted for Christmas, and who did Santa all but skip? Your Weekend Receipts are here.
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A slumpy month at the box office showed little sign of abating on Friday, when the holdovers Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows and Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked fought off a trio of high-octane newcomers -- including the abysmally performing We Bought a Zoo -- to lead the early holiday-weekend competition. Your Friday Box Office is here.
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Now that David Cross's contractual obligations on the live-action/animation Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise are over -- the third and final of which is this weekend's Chip-Wrecked -- the comic actor isn't mincing words about the ordeal. "This last film was literally, without question, the most unpleasant experience I've ever had in my professional life," he told The Playlist. (Funny, Movieline's Michelle Orange, after reviewing the kid pic, might say the same.) Take in the spectacle of these burning bridges with more of Cross's post-traumatic musings after the jump!
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