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Almodovar Gets Kinky in English-Language Trailer for The Skin I Live In

Spanish master Pedro Almodovar reunites with his onetime muse Antonio Banderas in The Skin I Live In, a horror tale of sorts about a doctor (Banderas) trying to synthesize a special kind of skin in his home laboratory who also happens to have a female prisoner locked up in his mansion. Also, everyone in this movie has a gun, and some folks are clad in chic semi-bondage gear. Who knows what deliciously sordid twists are in store? Watch the English-language trailer for a taste of the new Almodovar.

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VIDEO: Here's the Drive/Star Wars Mash-Up You Didn't Know You Wanted

If you watched the pretty killer trailer for Drive and thought, "Needs more Han Solo," great news as you head into the weekend. Some enterprising video editor decided to mash-up the audio from Drive's trailer with video from Star Wars, and it's... not bad! Could use some better dubbing though. Click through for a peek.

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Lucky McKee's Controversial Pic The Woman Gets Release Date, New Trailer

After making waves at Sundance with his controversial horror pic The Woman -- in which a suburban family man imprisons a feral woman in his basement, with disastrous results -- director Lucky McKee (May, The Woods, Red) will finally unveil his film in theaters this October. And with a release date finally set, distributor The Collective has debuted a brand new trailer that sets a slightly gentler domestic tableau for the titular woman to completely ravage with her female fury.

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As If! All of Cher Horowitz's Clueless Outfits in Under One Minute

Clueless is, without a doubt, the best dated movie of the '90s. The lingo, costuming, and music are the stuff of time capsules, but the film itself feels like a righteous love letter to the post-grunge era. I revisit it whenever there's a spare moment. In this new video, we see just how many outfits Beverly Hills teen Cher Horowitz (played with unwavering perfection by Alicia Silverstone) can squeeze into a 90-minute movie. Hint: It's a lot.

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Jim Carrey Makes Bizarre Video Professing His Love for Emma Stone

There was once a time when Twitter, vlogs, and YouTube didn't exist, and we could dismiss tabloid allegations of celebrity craycray by simply turning away from the register rack at Ralph's. Sometimes I wish those days weren't over. Case in point: Jim Carrey just posted a confessional video wherein he dreams of having children with Emma Stone. Oh my gosh. It's more unnervingly sincere than The Majestic!

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Introducing ENTV, the Entertainment Minute From the Movieline Mothership

The labs at Movieline's parent company PMC are always developing cool and creative ways to improve their comprehensive entertainment-media machine, and so it should come as no surprise that the TV and streaming video realms would receive a visit sooner or later. Thus ENTV, or Entertainment News Television, a new, regularly updated initiative featuring stories from around the PMC network -- sites like Deadline, TVLine, Hollywood Life and, of course, this very site as well. Coolest of all? We're going to cable!

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Fantastic Fest Shorts Program Includes The Dungeon Master, Co-Directed by Boy Meets World's Rider Strong

Sure, Rider Strong has done a ton of stuff since his days on the ABC series Boy Meets World, but far be it from me to pass up a chance to name drop that TGIF classic! Since his days playing Cory Matthews's BFF Shawn, Strong's continued to act and began directing, co-helming the Dungeons & Dragons-themed short The Dungeon Master with brother Shiloh, which is set to screen at next month's Fantastic Fest. After the jump, watch the film's trailer and get the full list of genre shorts playing at the Austin festival.

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Not Surprisingly, Yoda Will Be Computer-Generated on the Phantom Menace Blu-ray

Because you don't own Star Wars on enough platforms, Lucasfilm is releasing the complete saga on Blu-ray in September. The massive and anticipated release will feature loads of bells and whistles -- including Original Trilogy deleted scenes! -- plus some new stuff. Like a computer-generated version of Yoda to replace the puppet used in The Phantom Menace . Click through for a comparison.

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VIDEO: Ryan Gosling Street Fight Videographer Vividly Recalls the Actor's Heroic Act

On Monday, the Internet learned that real human being Ryan Gosling had joined the ranks of hero after breaking up a New York City street fight. ("Street fight.") Many questions remained after watching the shaky video evidence, though, and the guys over at tracked down Gosling street fight videographer Valerie Herrera to get to the bottom of the incident.

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VIDEO: New Ad for Charlie Sheen's Roast Riffs on Dr. Strangelove

Nope, you can't bring up Dr. Strangelove and feel like a sophisticated comedy aficionado anymore: Charlie Sheen's Comedy Central roast references the 1963 film in its first advertisement, rendering it almost useless to humanity. That said, I can't wait for the actual roast -- talk about a "war room."

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VIDEO: David Cross, Keith Olbermann Redeem 17 Minutes of Awkward Chatter with Arrested Development Update

David Cross appeared on Countdown on Monday night, where host Keith Olbermann coaxed an update about the development of the long-gestating movie adaptation of Arrested Development. And that's when things got awkward.

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VIDEO: Katharine McPhee Becomes Bait in New Clip from Shark Night 3D

With the news cycle grinding to a halt and multiplexes stuffed with also-ran 3-D genre releases, August is officially living up to its status as August. As the summer winds down, theatergoers are left with the unenviable task of deciding between films like Conan the Barbarian and Shark Night 3D. Out over Labor Day weekend -- so technically September -- the grindhouse-y horror film (with the non-grindhouse-y PG-13 rating) promises thrills and sharks. Also, Katharine McPhee's tears as Luke from The O.C. threatens her with tales of sharks dining on flesh. Where's Ryan Atwood when you need him to defend your honor?

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Hugh Jackman Explains His Futuristic Robot Boxing Movie Real Steel In This New Featurette

After seeing the unintentionally hilarious first trailer for Real Steel this June, we laughed until we cried cyborg boxer-sized tears inside Movieline HQ. After all, it used every cliché in the book to advertise an earnest drama about a washed-up boxer (Hugh Jackman) who pours all of his lost fighting ambitions into a robot that he coaches Rocky-style towards a futuristic championship. Lucky for us, DreamWorks has released a featurette in which Jackman and director Shawn Levy more effectively pitch their dystopian robo redemption movie. Take a look.

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A Real Human Being and a Real Hero: Ryan Gosling Apparently Stops New York Street Fight

Movie stars: they really are just like us! They didn't like Terrence Malick's Tree of Life, they have trouble containing their bladders on international flights, and they break up gritty street fights? Perhaps! At least if they're Ryan Gosling, who performed the latter chivalrous act recently in New York. Now, thanks to a passerby who couldn't ignore the opportunity to capture the escalating urban violence on her cell phone, there is footage online. Ahead!

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VIDEO: Seth Rogen Mocks Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Failing Sex Life in Red Band Clip From 50/50

50/50 is shaping up to be the sweetest, funniest comedy of the fall -- and, as a new red band clip featuring stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen proves, it may also be the sexually frankest. Would you like to learn how to do it froggy-style? Allow Mr. Rogen to curate. NSFW video ahead!

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