'Twilight' Spoiler Talk: 9 Things ‘Breaking Dawn’ Gets Right

With The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part II finally in theaters, it’s time to get to spoiler-talkin’ — did Bill Condon & Co. blow minds with the Big Crazy Twist in their big-screen adaptation? How much sexy time do newborn vampires have? Is imprinting totally not creepy when the power of Taylor Lautner’s abs is compelling you?
Spoilers, obviously!
Five films and a few billion dollars into Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight franchise, the Breaking Dawn crew have put together arguably the best film in the series. Whether you’re a Twi-hard or staunchly unconverted to the sparkly cause, sound off below on all the over-the-top vampire theatrics of the franchise finale, starting with these nine key moments, scenes, and changes from the book:
The Battle Sequence
Let’s shove the elephant in the room out of the way first: How about that battle scene?
The X-Men-style mutant power stand-off that closes Meyer’s novel series was always going to be the film’s biggest technical challenge, with invisible vampire powers surging across the battlefield left and right. Harder still, in the books the battle was anti-climactic, a non-starter that never actually takes place on the page. I repeat: Nobody dies. No heads roll. Literally nothing happens.
Enter screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg and Meyer’s big cinematic fix. We now see what Alice sees, the future possibility of a Cullen-Volturi massacre that ends with Aro’s death, not to mention the certain doom of many beloved Twilight characters. The fake-out ending allows for the best action of the franchise, not to mention a key element seldom seen throughout the faithful films to date — surprise.
Bella’s Fierceness
Critics, feminists, and non-fans of the books have long complained about Bella’s passivity, with good reason; for the majority of the series she’s fragile, self-doubting, and almost always in need of protection by the men in her life.
Where Breaking Dawn is most satisfying, then, is in Bella’s emotional and physical transformation. She’s strong. She can arm-wrestle and eat mountain lions. She has a temper. She has an appetite for blood, and for sex. After four years of watching Bella mope around Forks, she finally grows a pair — and while that is a reversal of the average-girl fantasy that made Twilight popular to begin with, and despite the fact that her superpower is a maternal and protective “shielding” talent instead of something more, y’know, awesome, it’s so much better to see Bella Swan strong than not.
Jacob’s Abs
They’re real, and they’re fabulous. They’re also, hilariously enough, integral to the scene at hand: Jacob strips down in front of Charlie to morph into wolfy form in order to keep the Cullens from leaving town. The exchange between Taylor Lautner and Billy Burke also injects a much-needed dose of levity to the franchise, which brings me to…
The Humor
Finally, the Twilight franchise has a sense of humor. That sidelong glance between Edward and Jacob before Bella learns her bestie has eyes for her new baby; the way newborn Bella hungrily grabs her man, ready to do it for forever now that she no longer has to worry about getting pregnant and being crushed to death/being eaten in the heat of the moment. And while we’re on the subject…
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It's funny how people conveniently forget that it's not because of her gender that she needs protection from EVERY vampire in the movie, not just the "men in her life," but it's because of her humanity. Nobody mentions that "Charlie" needed protection, as well. Nobody mentions that Bella went, despite the danger to herself, to try to save her mother against a vampire. Nobody mentions that Bella risked herself to help Edward in the fight against Victoria and Riley. Nobody mentions that she was the only human in Edward's lifetime to run towards him and not shrink away from him in fear. Nobody talks about the fact that she protected her baby with the help of a female vampire and brought that baby into the world, despite the danger to herself. Nobody talks about that because it doesn't fit into the "Bella is anti-feminist" crap that's been going on for the last five years. I actually thought that what makes a woman powerful (maternal defensiveness/protectiveness) being a superpower would be something feminist who fight for equality would like. I didn't know that being equal meant being male.
Wow, perfectly said, Amy.
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hahaha! this article was great! "Best. Dakota Fanning Moment. Ever." indeed, you said everything I was thinking, kudos Jen Yamato.
Humorous is right, the entire series is one big farce. Just look at the pic, supposed vampires (which anyone who really thinks they are in these films should be flogged) standing in broad daylight without bursting into flames much less the idiotic sparkling. The Joker himself would be proud of the ease stupid people were fooled into paying good money to see these jokes of a movie.
John, I'm curious to know why you're even reading a Twilight article if you hate the series so much. Just a thought.
Well said, if you don't care about these movies why are you reading a spoiler filled article about it.
I know, right? EVERYONE knows that REAL vampires can't stand the sunlight! C'mon...these are all made-up monsters, along with the "rules" about what does and does not harm them or affect them. If you like your monsters more gruesome, watch those movies, and if you want them to be soap opera characters, watch the "Twilight" films. But don't put disrespect these movies or their fans because they don't follow the true "vampire" codes of conduct...I hate to burst your bubble, but there are no such things as vampires.
Ignore the haters, why can't they go watch Transformers and leave Twilight alone?
BD2 is entertaining, fun and us fans loved every minute. I don't waist time posting about Batman. I simply don't care..
Move on haters because Twilight has given the movie industry a new money making genre!
Because Twilight keeps getting shoved in our faces so much, we can't help but to notice (and hate every stupid, simpering second of it). Maybe if we weren't inundated with Twilight after every book and movie release, we might not care. But, no. For years it was "Team Edward v. Team Jacob" from EVERY direction! Maybe now that its over, we can get back to normality.
TWILIGHT - "There is a universal truth we all have to face whether we want to or not, eventually everything comes to an end..." T.M. TWILIGHT has been the gift that keeps on giving. We have rediscovered the goodness in all of us if we so choose. 'Waiting", 'self control" can be learned & the rewards exceed our expectations. Thank you Stephenie Meyer for showing teachers that students love to read & that reading about universal truths is a WIN/WIN situation. Thank you for proving generations have more in common than what we are willing to admit & showing us walls are not meant to prevent us from getting to the other side, but obstacles to be overcome. Life will never be the same- TWILIGHT
In Twilight, the character Bella Swan is not only Strong as a Human Being; she is Stronger as a Vampire. She exudes the qualities that we should all strive to : love for others, fearlessness, compassion, being a best friend, making your parents or care providers proud and Courage.This is the message Stephanie Meyers left with us through her timely manuscripts.
Thank you Ms. Meyers,
God Bless.
I think the best dakota fanning moment, apart from what was stated, was the one where she died...she was soo funny, acting all cool and creepy but then alice came running and she fled like a little girl...and then she got eaten....
@ Amy - That was perfectly said!! Bella, in my opinion, was the bravest of them all. She persevered despite her circumstances. Sometimes even because of them! Because she was female is completely the point! Feminist movement gals will love this statement, but what is so wrong for her to sacrifice and/or depend on someone she loves? Is the fact that all these things happen to HER and she is FEMALE really matter? If the author had written it from Edwards POV the entire story we all would probably be commenting about his predilection for pedophilia as he is over 100 years old and should not be thinking like a 17 year old boy! Geesh - people are so hard to F-ing please. Are the Twilight novels the greatest writing any author has ever written EVER? No, not even close. But, the subject matter evokes many things for those who read and love them. The idea of an everlasting love with someone who embodies everything you have ever wanted and the idea of having a true lifetime with them...well that sounds like a lot of work to be honest! But, the Twilight story really makes you think, for just a moment, that it is possible and so worth it. That is of course my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own...just like a$$ holes...
Very well said, Amy. Thank you! And Bebe, I agree. I would never go to a site that praised a movie I despise or read an article about a movie I hate or am not interested in and make hateful comments about it or its fans. That's just rude and immature. Seems like most of the Twilight haters are boys who think their geeky (nothing wrong with geeky) movie franchise of choice is superior to one that many females enjoy. Is the Twilight saga the best movie franchise I've ever seen? No. (I happen to be a big LOTR fan.) But I like it and there's nothing wrong with that.
Jen, you hit all nine nails squarely on the head. I loved all of Jacob's snarkiness and Bella's fierceness. And ARO!!!! I cracked up when he saw Renesmee & when he saw Alice: "ALICE IS HERE! heeeheehee" hahahahaha! And yeah, I'm surprised this earned a PG-13 rating with the cottage scene. WOW!
I actually might go see it in the theater again. And considering BD Part 1 was the first Twilight movie I ever even saw in a theater, that's saying something...
Thanks for a great article.
Thanks for the comment! Re: Aro, in case you missed it I must point you to my Bill Condon spoiler chat in which he says the Aro cackle in the film was the SUBTLE version of what Michael Sheen actually did on set.
CAN YOU IMAGINE?? I want THAT on the deleted scene menu. http://movieline.com/2012/11/19/bill-condon-twilight-breaking-dawn-spoilers-deleted-scenes-deaths/2/
i couldn't agree more with every thing u said cos i was a twifan but with every movie my interest stared declining and i stopped caring about it as in the beginning but when i saw this one it all rekindled it made me laugh, cry, scream, and remember every moment with such fondness it's like they have hidden their best stuff to this finale and they truly delivered. oh and lee pace(perfect)
This was awesome on sooo many levels of imagination and real 'human' feelings. I can't believe its over!!! These movies mean soo much to me personally. I will be watching them for years to come. Can't wait for BD2 to come out on video!!
P.S. I've seen the movie 4 times in the theater and plan on seeing it one last time before weeks end!!!!
Wow! This could be one particular of the most beneficial blogs We’ve ever arrive across on this subject. Actually Great. I’m also an expert in this topic so I can understand your hard work.
I just watched this movie (I know...hopelessly late), and liked it much more than any of the others. I always understood why so many young women adored this franchise...the perfect hot (vampire) guy head over hills in love but unable to touch...so dangerous, but so safe! And honestly, so boring, at least after the first movie. This final installment was able to shake off the shackles of unrequited love and sew up so many loose ends...so many that at times it was hard to remember what any of it had to do with anything. One gigantic, orgasmic, crazy, vampire-rule breaking hot mess. I was wowed by how much happened in this instalment, compared with the often glacial pace of the prior movies.
Frankly there was so much story packed into BD2 that it has the distinction of being a mega-monster-blockbuster sequel with absolutely no ability to stand on its own apart from the rest of the franchise...risky, considering cost of producing the film. If you weren't a "Twilight" already, it's highly doubtful that you would just pay to walk in and watch this movie, and if you did, I bet you were absolutely, hopelessly lost. There was virtually no explanation given to bring people up to speed on the prior action in Forks. Why should there have been though? Is there anyone who would wander into this movie completely unaware that there was a gigantic backstory leading up to it?
I loved that there were SO many new characters introduced...an entire international vampire jetset! I wish that the prior films had at least hinted at some of these interesting new undead. Lee Pace' s character actually told a real joke...a Twilight first!
What I'll miss most of all, I think, is reading and hearing about and watching all of the pure, no-holds barred, blissed out adoration of the books and films by the "Twilight" fans. Such fierce defense! There was a real honesty about how much these young girls loved this story, and how willing they were to stand up for their favorite characters. So Stephanie Meyers was no Shirley Jackson or Mary Shelley, but I don't think she was trying to be. There weren't any grand motives or hidden agendas in her books. But she accomplished something pretty rare these days...She made readers out of a whole lot of kids (and maybe even adults) who might never have made that journey otherwise. And if that's all that the "Twilight" books will ever be known for, well, I think that's quite enough.