Innocence Of Muslims: Anti-Muslim Film Sparks Outrage, Fatal Attack In Libya

Innocence of Muslims Libya

A trailer for a little-known anti-Muslim film that went viral on YouTube sparked outrage and violent attacks overnight at the U.S. Embassy in Libya that left over a dozen wounded and four Americans dead, including U.S. ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens. In a press conference today President Obama condemned the acts and promised justice to those responsible, said to be Muslim protesters angry over insults against the Prophet Muhammad made in a film called Innocence of Muslims.

POLL: Should Google Have Blocked Access to Innocence of Muslims in Egypt and Libya?  Tell Us What You Think.

Innocence of Muslims, purportedly made for $5 million in California by an Israeli-American real estate developer named Sam Bacile, satirizes the life of Muhammad, according to Reuters, "as a fool, a philanderer and a religious fake." The film, which features amateurish performances and cheap-looking sets, depicts the Prophet as a fraud and also includes scenes in which he engages in sexual acts.

A 14-minute trailer for the (fairly terrible-looking) film, filled with green-screen CG and painfully wooden performances, hit YouTube in July and was subsequently picked up by news media in Egypt and the Arabic-speaking world. Associations with Koran-burning Florida pastor Terry Jones didn't help; he endorses the film and screened the trailer Tuesday.

Following the attacks in Libya and at the U.S. Consulate in Cairo, Egypt, Bacile went into hiding. Speaking by phone with the Associated Press, he was remorseful about the fatal attacks but stood behind his film as a political statement, saying "Islam is a cancer, period."

In a bizarre twist, The Atlantic spoke with a "militant Christian activist" who consulted on the film who claims that "Sam Bacile" is a pseudonym, calling into question Bacile's actual identity and background.

Meanwhile, President Obama is increasing diplomatic security details at U.S. embassies around the world.

Read more via NYT's The Lede.

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  • Joel says:

    Most pathetic movie I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. The fact that Muslims would be so "offended" over such an idiotic movie either makes them the stupidest people alive... or...... there's a conspiracy behind this!

  • matt johnson says:

    I think the movie was funny! The muslins are using it as excuse to kill the white because that is what they want to do anyway.

  • freda says:

    Absolute rubbish! What a bunch of idiots!
    This film has been purely made to provoke Muslims and released on anniversary of 9/11.
    Islam stands for peace and Mohammed (peace be upon him) was the greatest man who walked on earth! The makers of this film are evil and want to defame Islam, I dread to think what awaits them in the hereafter. There is both good and evil in this world and the makers are satan's followers. Remember good will prevail evil in the end. I am a Musim and proud to be one and if anything my faith is stronger than ever.
    I can't believe 5 million dollars have been spent on this film...barely 50 dollars! The film makers motive is to incite religious hatred amongst Muslim under the banner of freedom of speech.
    What kind of evil people are they? No morals or values, makes one wonder what kind of upbringing they have had!!
    We are only in this world temporarily and remember the hereafter is eternal and we will all be judged on the day of judgement on our actions...I pray that these people repent in this life which is very short indeed........

    • Charlene says:

      Probably made by Muslims as an excuse to be offended, much as
      'Christians' like to make a big deal about being offended

    • phil lee says:

      another insecure fool wasting your short life on fairytails an ghost stories try reading the koran with ur eyes open..........but then again its so obvious that u choose to be sheep......judgement day......hereafter............grow up u fools

    • Elrrez says:

      Salut on your writing. Let them insult Islam and the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The world is a paradise they (non-Muslims)., Heaven we (Muslims) are the Hereafter. As Muslims reinforce faith and keep your brothers from things that can damage the aqidah and faith .....
      Greetings to you

    • Anthony says:

      Your an idiot.
      Jesus was the greastest man that ever walk the face of Gods green earth. Its a good job that christians did´nt react the same way muslems have, now and in the past, when monty pythons made "The Life of Brain" other wise, this would be a sorrieful we live in.

    • recogt says:

      Thank fack you are only in this world temporarily. A pity not all religious nutjobs arent very temporary. Then perhaps those of us here pro tem might be able to get on with our science and discovery. Islam? Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism fack the lot of you. You are holding back the human race.

    • K. R. says:

      Why do Muslim take to violence so easily, you have to admit this, they are very , very violent people and all over freedom of speech, it's totally and i mean totally no excuse to riot or cause harm to another because of there belief,rather its christian, muslim, baptist whatever the religion.

    • Brian says:

      hello Freda, I am a Fowler of CHRIST amen my brother in GOD I agree in what you have said. For those who follow evil shall stay in evil forever we are so-pose to love one-another an treat each other with respect we all only have one GOD the creator.He comes to us through many ways.An this is not one of them! freedom of speech is important to us right or wrong an this was wrong!!!!! I hope the Muslims of the world doe's not see this that all AMERICANS feel that this was right to even think off it was the devil!!! not AMERICANS So stop treating all AMERICANS as if were! when we attack each other like this we are doing evil(the Devils work):( SO spread the word of true Islam an tell the reel truth. PEACE BE WITH YOU ( Asa-lama lack-um) sorry if wasn't spell wright.:)

    • marcus says:

      you ignorant fool... ISLAM means submission!!! ''SALAM'' means peace!!! and if it was peaceful, why all the chaos over a dumb movie!?! how many movies out there mocking Jesus!?! do see people freaking out?! get real... check and see where 90% of all wars and chaos on this glob!!?! yep, in Muslim countries... whether its Sunnis Vs shiats(Bahrain/Iraq/Lebanon/Syria, Iran)..... Muslims Vs Muslims (Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan,Lebanon etc..)..... Muslims Vs Sikhs( Punjab, Afghanistan)..... Muslims Vs Christians(Sudan, Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, Bosnia, Indonesia, Philippines, Egypt etc..) ..... Muslims Vs Jews( Israel, Palestine, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt etc...) .... Muslims Vs Alawits( Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain etc...) .... Muslims Vs Hindus ( India, Pakistan, Mongolia,) ....... Muslims Vs Druze ( Lebanon, Syria) .........I'm tired of writing!! Muslims are a cancer... they by sharia law that gives women no rights, they can't handle freedom of rights, expression, speech, booze even tho they still drink like a fish HYPOCRITE!! I personally know a bunch of these roaches that pretend to be all good and get toasted on weed and booze..... its ok to call me a kafer and an infidel... but god forbid to call out a muslim for his religion ......

  • freda says:

    The wrath of God is upon these evil people....a great torment awaits you all.....

    • recogt says:

      My great torment is I find it difficult to crack a huge fart when I listen to this shite because I am to polite.
      But for you Freda THRRRAAAPPPP! Pooh! yuck, do farts have lumps? oh no guess what....

  • Linda Skempris says:

    I don't need to see this movie to know how evil these islamo fascists are "may they burn in hell". For the religion of peace kill people proves what kind of maggot mohammed and his religion of peace is about.

  • Oleg says:

    Number one: if you expect something to be offensive, don't touch it, don't read it, don't watch it.
    Number two: people who get offended have IQ=0.000 it is obvious that this is a mockery clip of very low quality, but even this don't give any rights to anybody to convert their frustration into a killing.
    Number three - a question for muslims: how strong is your real belief if a little thing can upset you? If you believe that Mohhamed is a god's messenger, it means that absolutely nothing can touch or hurt him, you know that this videoclip is not true, why then to worry about anything? Nothing can insult Mohammed, he's above all people's affairs, why do you get insulted - you, who follow his rules and teachings, why to pay any attention to anybody's attempts to provoke you and test your believes? There is only one answer - because you do not believe in his teachings, you did not learn anything and your heart has never changed.

    • adam says:

      dear commenter,you have not got a clue about islam or muslims.these guys are not protesting to defent the most powerful man ever on earth,as he was mocked off even while he was alive and his followers did not they protesting because like any other creature they do not want anyone to make a mockery of them not mohammed.wpuldn't stand up if someone starts making a mockery of you on the streets in public.these muslims pray 5 times a day how dare anyone tell them what they are doing is a fake.theses guys believe in what they are doing so keep out of their way

      • Oleg says:

        With all due respect, I would not stand up if somebody makes fun and jokes out of my faith, because I know that people are stupid. If I want them to follow my faith, I can be an example for them, coming with love and patience, and never get mad or kill anyone, because there is no sense or logic in doing that. Even in islam meaning of jihad is not to kill another person, but to kill hatred and other bad things in yourself to become a better person. But because vast majority of those people are very uneducated and believe what other scumbags telling them, they do what they do. So, you can't deal with them rationally, then the only way is to use a deadly force.

  • kiaxmental says:

    I dont care about this movies or your beliefs ... nothing justifies the end result of murder in the night. If your reply is to speak of Americas spec ops in the night...i have one simple reply quoted by a Japanese Admiral...i fear we have only awoken the dragon. Let us watch our tv and buy our cars. Amercians didnt want this. But you bring the fight to us and we will come back a hundred fold. I have bled on muslim soil and so have my brothers..but not because of your religion or beliefs. I bled on muslim only because my father bled on American soil by the hand of a so called Islamic Radical. So the previous comments ...condemn me to hell ...i will see your brethren there. Please note i dont support this movie or its principles. When i see a islamic video of americans being beheaded i dont justify action of terror upon you. Americans should not be held responsible for this obvious ignorant view of Muhammad.

  • elvis says:

    And so it begins. Just remember that America is the land of the free and the home OF The BRAVE. We will stand to honor all religions. And we will fight to honor our beliefs. We are a peaceful nation that stands for freedom. But don't burn our flag or kill our people. God bless America!

  • JO says:

    GO FIGURE!!!

  • shahed says:

    utter nonsense
    if any body hn this world say any bad word against my beloved prophet its my duty to put him on rest for ever

  • kaseem says:

    What a blasphemy ma qiestions are
    1.every body knows dis is not true even a fool can say to dis so whatexactly is d aim of dis film released on 9/11? any1 expect peace to reign after dis?
    3.if u do not share d same believe wt a pple must u condem it?
    From d review i watched on you tube of d film dis is d world's most provocative film.God help dis does not lead to 3rd world war

  • salem says:

    لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

    • Judgenot says:

      Whatever happened, we should not kill ourselves. Remember we are all Abraham's desendants , hence we should allow God to judge whosoever blasphame the Prophets of God. If truely Muslims are peaceful and God fearing people they should desist from killing what God had made. God can fight for Himself, He created this world, if He wishes He may destroy it without the help of any person. Remember, He destroyed Sodom and Gommorah without hiring suicide bomber or any religious fanatics to help Him do that. Let us all fear God and STOP, KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLSE.mAY GOD HELP US AMEN.

  • Anthony says:

    Its not islam or muslem, but Mohamidism. Modhamid said that he was not a God, but the word of God, and that he(mohamid) should not be looked apon as such(god) yet muslems continue to treat mohamid as a god, a vast majority of muslems(mohamidits) can´t read, so what ever they are told by there imams, they believe, and most of the imams are liars

    • Oleg says:

      That's right, many of these people (imams) are only after financial and political gains. Even if there is no any outside enemy, they (muslims) kill each other. If there are any muslims at this forum, can somebody tell me who is right - shiites or sunnies? I guess nobody can figure it out so far, that's why they kill each other.

  • Tanveer fatima says:

    It remained the routine of nonmuslims to hurt the muslims to provoke them nd to test their patience, there is God observing all this nd he is the best judge, world can observe muslims nvr hurt any community by insulting their religious heads.

  • Tanveer fatima says:

    Christians nd jews are real terrorists bcoz they attack muslim contries by interveneing in their internal matters illegelly nd immoraly, all the children of christians nd jewes are basterds bcoz they dont know who their fathers are, nd the bastards are the brother nd sisters of devil, devil cud do any damn action.

    • pebo says:

      showing your ture colours there... best thing about terrorists they end up killing far more muslims than christians or jews

  • bilinarate says:

    You see religion divides humanity that's why religion is shit.
    Being a non-believer in a sense gives you freedom.
    If someone do not believe in a god it does not mean that he automatically believe in satan.
    Dark is just the absence of light nothing more and nothing less.
    Every body has a pace of improvement.
    IF Muslim do not want to expose themselves to the modern world leave it be.

  • Ulfhednar Wulf-wut says:

    The Problem is that when your "God" handed down his book, ie, the Bible, Koran, so on an so forth, Man rewrote ("EDITED") them. Who in all his arrogance, his greedy, self enriching, need to rule all that he surveys and that which his neighbor and his neighbor(fallowing me here) surveys and covets, has the AUDACITY to edit "A GODS" word and law. Removing this part here that one there and even whole sections like the section about Satan from the bible. History is packed full of the examples of religion and it's RAPE,PILLAGE and BURN em if they don't capitulate! Remember the Crusades or the Spanish inquisition, Salem witch trails on and on? If the dimwitted moron's wish to submit to the "Preaching of 1 ideal and doing the exact opposite" next time why not try this. Put your firearm in your own mouth 1st fallowed by the immediate discharging through the top of the jumbled up befuddled mind! And then you can go where ever it is you all think, hope, and pray you'll go, and see if it is or isn't. Organized religion designed, crafted, orchestrated, and implemented by man against man for the enrichment of the select men. History stands as testament to the Ultimate CON!!! I tip my hat to the mastermind that thought it up and got billions of suckers to "BELIEVE!"

  • houda Jellali says:

    Have you ever heard or read about muslim filmmakers , authors or artists making fun of other religions like Judaism or Christianity? Absolutely not, and this is for the simple reason that we strongly believe in them and that Jesus Christ and Moses are God's messengers just like prophet Mohammed, the seal of prophets. Another reason is that we are brought up according to the values of Islam to respect other people's faiths and not to mock them. We know that nothing will ever shake our beliefs and that our holy religion , book and prophet are well protected by our Creator . The answer to your question: Why are we offended by these devils'acts , let's not call them idiots because they mean to provoke and offend Muslims everywhere? on the one hand is that there are many ignorants in the world who will believe in these lies and see Islam as a hateful religion like the movie depicts it and this will rise anti_Islam feelings. On the other hand there will be violent reactions by Muslim extremists .

  • Arakan Hero says:

    For just a clip of Movie.. You guys are thinking to kill others... Need to ask and determine yourselves how you believe in your prophet's words... Will he encourage to kill others by defensing such a clip.. Have you realize understanding of your prophets wish... If you don't allow to others to believe freely and freedom, you should acknowledge that you are so away from modern world....

  • muslim says:

    why most of you hate islam like this ???????????????????????
    what we did to have all this hate?
    kill? kill who? we are muslim islam mean peace ....
    come on the jewish are the killer that the truth

  • Dragon says:

    The entire world should be outraged at this retarded, horrid,lack luster, Silly, sad, STUPID, Joke of a video! Seriously; there should be no debate, the Muslims should be mad but not at America at the Man who made this piece of Fecal matter! I agree: this Egyptian Christian brain washed loser does need to be exicuted! Just to ensure the rest of the world can not be infested with his particular type of retardation and stupidity! Come on over there in Lybia, Egypt,Yemen, Philipines, Bangladesh Iran and all Islamic/Muslim nations or Large populations there of stop this insane violence against inoscent people and actually go after the scum bag that made this piece of garbage!!!!! I am Pagan, I am American that does not make me automatically your enemy just because of the nation I come from. The population of America is NOT ALL CHRISTIAN!!! We are not a Christian Nation per many signed documents in history INCLUDING THE TREATY OF TRIPOLI!. Take your hate out on the man (Singular) that made the retarded LOW end video. Even the editing shows a mental lack! The World needs to pul its collective Head out of its Gigantic Rectum and understand We are ALL here together!! We can not change that fact! We can change the Hate and Violence and the ignorance and subversion! If we all worked together as the HUMAN RACE we would be so much further than we ar now!!! Come on World make it happen or we all loose!!!

  • Ibrahim Qafaiti says:

    readin the Quran (Surat Yunes V.91), in it you will find the same god of Israel Jehovah or Yahweh chose Mohammad as his prophet. Surprise Surprise!!!!!!!!

  • ALLPEACE says:


  • mohsen azizi says:

    يُريدونَ لِيُطفِئوا نورَاللهِ بِاَفواهِهِم واللهُ مُتِمُّ نورِه وَلوكَرِهَ الكافِرون

  • houda Jellali says:

    Instead of condemning these devilish acts you're just trying to find fault with Muslim reactions. This doesn't mean that i'm trying to justify these killings on behalf of Islam which preaches peace and tolerance. What should be done is to stop this from happening again because it has nothing to do with the freedom of speech and expression.