NSFW: Red-Band Piranha 3DD Trailer is Just Stupid Enough to Be Kind of Awesome

Now that Piranha 3DD finally has an official release date, it's time to roll out a very, very NSFW new red-band trailer for your viewing consideration. It is base, oversexed, gory, cheap-looking and patently disgusting in pretty much every conceivable way, featuring such steps down as stripper lifeguards, midcoital piranha attacks, and Gary Busey chewing the head off a live fish. It's all just stupid enough to be kind of awesome.
I mean, David Hasselhoff is invoking Darwin here! We must be on to something.
[via IGN]
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Ving Rhames would look hotter w/ those leg guns if he was a smokin' hot lady. Just...you know.
If you want a smokin' hot lady with one leg gun, Planet Terror's got you covered.
All right, I have now become more pumped for 3DD than The Dark Knight Rises...
I can't believe there's an audience for this drek.
So I got this great idea for a new movie where a bunch of girls with HUGE TITS run around and there's some killer fish and TITS and strippers and TITS and violenceTITS people die TITS and then some **SLAPS DICK ACROSS KEYBOARD**
Hey, come here....look what I wrote for a movie pitch. It was just a joke, but it's going out like that. THEY BOUGHT IT.