Last Chance! Submit Your Hunger Games Haiku to Win Tickets to the Premiere

Hunger Games fans, here's your chance to be among the first to see Lionsgate's highly anticipated YA novel adaptation -- Movieline is giving away a pair of tickets to the Los Angeles premiere of The Hunger Games, starring Jennifer Lawrence as teen warrior Katniss Everdeen, based on the novels by Suzanne Collins. To decide our winner, we're holding a Cornucopia of words: A Hunger Games Haiku contest! Channel your inner mockingjay and get to composing in the comments below. [UPDATE: Thanks to all who played -- and there were a lot of you! Submissions will be closed at 5PT/8ET.]
To celebrate the 50-day countdown to the Hunger Games nationwide release on March 23 (Twitter hashtag #HUNGERGAMES50), Movieline's Hunger Games Haiku contest will close February 22 at 5pm PT/8pm ET, so make sure to enter with your best, most inspired Hunger Games-themed haiku. Winners will be announced on February 29.
[Browse Movieline's Hunger Games cast gallery here]
In order to be eligible, entries must follow these guidelines:
- Haiku entries must follow the 5-7-5 syllable format (otherwise that ain't a haiku, duh).
- Entries must be original writings. Write it in Katniss's voice! As an ode to the series! Compose a ditty about pretty baker's sons! Run wild with it!
- Entrants must be 18 years of age and must be able to attend the premiere in Los Angeles at the Nokia Live on March 12, 2012.
- Entrants must register with their email address in order to be contacted if selected.
- Only one entry per person.
Now remember, candidates: Entries will be judged by Movieline's editors so put your best haiku forward! Elegance, wit, and razor-sharp concision are key, along with a healthy dose of Hunger Games knowledge. Wow us, and as always -- may the odds be ever in your favor.
For more information on the Hunger Games movie and premiere info, head to Facebook.
Follow Movieline on Twitter.
Twenty-four tributes
A battle of wits, weapons
Let the Games begin
You did not pine for
me to win. Such apathy
stings from my own kin.
For my sister Prim
My world is lost when you fall
Please forgive dear Gale
they've started a blaze.
i burn for the ones that have
had their flames taken.
While the world watches
I kill for my freedom but
I am not their pawn.
Omnipotent woods
Where prey scatters, stalked by prey;
Poison extends life.
They watch us suffer
born to be prey,
born to die.
Arrows pierce the air
Falling around me, turning
Bright, blood-red roses
Reaping day. Little
Sister fears first dance with death
Odds in her favor
A children's deathmatch
Ignites a nation to fight
No sparkling vampires
District twelve daughter
Grabbing life beyond false walls
Diamond formed from coal
Alone in the cave,
So in love. We need sponsors.
So I kiss Peeta.
The best rebellion
Is to show that you still have
The power to love
Stand strong. Trust no one.
It’s not the time for kindness.
Lock your heart away.
Arrow notched, string taut
and pressed to cheek. Release. Fffft!
The Mockingjay strikes.
Here come the careers.
Think fast! I cut down the nest,
Trackerjackers sting.
Escaped Hell. Not real?
Victory is a fool's hope.
Still playing their games.
Protector of Prim
Arrows Braided with Fire
Sing while Jays Listen
Glitz, glamor, life, death.
The arena is a stage.
Odds favor the brave.
Katniss and Peeta
Friend, Ali, lover, victor.
An act or the truth?
I threw you some bread
And now I throw you my heart
Don't break it apart
"Entrails. No hissing.
This is the closest we will
ever come to love."
When they call his name
I think to myself - Not Him
The Boy with The Bread
Soon, you will Rue the
day your bloodlust and hunger
bound me to these games.
The birds used to sing
For me. Now, my arrow sings
buried in their hearts.
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