Zooey Deschanel or Demi Lovato: Which Actress Sang the National Anthem Better at the World Series?
I haven't been watching the World Series because, um, baseball is the least telegenic sport since blogging, but I've caught two actresses unleash very decent renditions of the national anthem since the series began. Two days ago, Zooey Deschanel purred her version, and yesterday, convalescing Disney queen Demi Lovato belted it out. Fantastic. Unfortunately, It is my belief that only one can win. Who did it better?
Sure, we're not dealing with the quality of Marvin Gaye, Whitney Houston, or the Dixie Chicks here, but we've got formidable chanteuses on our hands. First, Ms. Lovato, whose smart blazer and wild Wynonna mane are enough to set off stadium fireworks.
All I can say is that Disney finds talent. That was a strong, assured, and kinda smoky (unless I'm just projecting my Wynonna associations onto this poor girl) rendition. She deserves power anthems in the vein of Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood. The girl is not sub-Miley. She deserves stardom. Now, here is Hello Giggles empress Zooey Deschanel, poised in an expected vintage frock and chirping from beneath that kooky stack of Debra Winger hair.
Interesting to watch "twee" play out in a stadium. She went pretty silent near the end of some of her phrases, and my response to the performance is of a piece with my feelings about Deschanel in general: smart, cute, talented, but not inspired. Demi wins hands down.
Agree? Please fight me.
“Srsly? Demi looked like she was panicked and going through labor, only making it through with the support of screaming fans who love America and/or were excited the song was over so they could watch some ball.”
Whoever called you an idiot Vanessa is right. You are an idiot because not only was Demi NERVOUS but she outshines and our performed Zooey's lithium ridden performance with gusto and energy. Hell even if they were NOT shouting, she would have done better than Zooey Put this dog to “Zleep” deschanel. You must be as ignorant as that Steve person I was just talking to earlier. Either that or you guys share the same brain.
“She was totally pitchy, too. And singing way too high up in her range.”
Here is a free music lesson for you. Pitchy would mean she was off key. She was not. She was pretty much spot on and SANG the notes. Maybe she embelished a bit but that is Melisma. Thats a personal preference. Second if she was too high up in her range (That makes no sense because if she was out of range it would show) then she wouldn't be able to hit those notes. Your lack of education is showing Vanessa. No we are not hating on Zooey, We don't care about Zooey to be honest. We are hating on her boring and frankly uninspired rendition which would make a coma patient go code red. No one with a respectable musical background would consider Zooey's “put this puppy to sleep” wrist slitting rendition above one that has actual effort into it.
“Zooey's voice has a sass, Zooey herself had a confidence that Demi did not.”
Ok. you need to go back to english school deary and look up a few words here. Here is the definition of sassy. Lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky. saucy - cheeky - impertinent - impudent - pert – forward. THAT is Sassy. Demi's version AND voice had more Sass due to the fact that she put actual effort into her music and that. Also Demi's voice didn't have confidence? If she didn't have confidence then she wouldn't be out here singing now would she? You not only fail in explaining WHY you felt Demi did a bad job, but you also fail in providing anything that resembles common sense.
“That alone makes her the champ,”
Well then consider her a transitional champion because her title went to Demi Lovato. Go on youtube and twitter and you will find that your girl Zooey pretty has the backing of...no one lol.
“the Debra Winger hair is just a plus.”
Stop. Stop right there. Never ever ever ever ever ever EVER compare Debra Winger to Zooey Deschanel. Never in your pathetic life do that. Debra Winger is an actual talented actress while Zooey Deschanel pretty much relies on her “quirky role” bits to get work. In fact never compare Zooey Deschanel to Demi Lovato. One of the FEW disney Girls who can actually sing. If you're gonna do that, you might as well compare Garth to metallica you half wit.
I'd choose Zooey D over Demi Lovato to. If I was blind, deaf, dumb, mute, had my tongue removed, had my lets and arms stripped from my body and I was suffering from stage four stomach cancer. Also I would have to consider Rebecca Black and Shane Dawson as talented.
Demi for sure. I couldn't Stand Zooey's rendition.
When did we as a nation Chose the girl with the big voice, considering we have this whole bigger is better mentality, over the girl who could put us to sleep with her boring vocals? Demi all the way. And I'm not even a Demi fan.
Even if you strapped my nuts to an electrode, filled my lungs with black oil and proceeded to rape me with a rusty nail gun, I'll chose Demi Lovato over Zooey Deschanel any day of the week. And I hate Demi Lovato. But she did a better job and rendition than Zooey Deschanel.
PS: Did some idiot really compare Deschanel to Debra Winger?...that alone makes me hate Zooey some more.
No one in the right mind would chose Zooey over Demi. Anyone with a REAL music background would put Demi LIGHTEARS ahead of Zooey's boring rendition. People like Steve and Vanessa seem to be borderline retarded just because of the nonsensical arguments they have given.
Demi. Not because I am a fan of hers but the last time I checked, when I saw a LIVE singer perform, I wanted them to make the song their own. Whatever the song was. Not turn it into a funeral march like Zooey did.
Demi. Not because I'm a fan but because it was actually inspiring to see someone sing the words with gusto rather than sing them like they were heading to the gallows. Yes I am talking to you Zooey.
When Zooey was singing her version, I felt like I was watching the game in a retirement home surrounded by old decrepit codgers taking random dumps. I almost expected a hot sexy nurse to bring me my medication. Hey maybe Vanessa can be my hot sexy nurse. She sure as hell doesn't sound smart but with a name like Vanessa she probably has other "Skills" she can put to use.
Oh and I chose Demi. For a Disney brat, she can sing. I'll give her that.
If this was an action movie, Zooey's rendition would be like Tatmadaw soldiers in Burma torturing the local natives while Demi Lovato's version would be John Rambo blasting away his enemies with a rocket launcher and a makeshift machete.
Demi all the way. To heck Zooey Deschanel.
Demi lovato. Hands down. Anyone who chooses Zooey is stupid.
When I think of a ball game I think of a rendition that will get me pumped. So I'm with Demi. When I think being executed, I think of zooey's version.
Demi is the definition of the word talent. Zooey is the definition of the word torture.
I'm sorry, but every comment I see from someone picking Demi over Zooey, with few exceptions, reminds me of how woefully uncultured this country is. I understand that most of these listeners are untrained observers, which is why Demi screaming high notes subtly off-pitch enough to be grating and shaking her voice around like she thinks she's Mariah Carey would sound interesting to these people. And sure, if it's at a baseball game, I'd understand someone wanting to hear a more uptempo, more exuberant rendition, but when it comes to whose was better, Zooey beat Demi in a landslide. She started at a pitch that allowed her to beautifully execute her high notes (rather than scream them, as Demi did), added subtle vibrato, and actually sang the actual National Anthem. I understand that melisma is what's cool now in (top 40) pop music, but when Demi Lovato tries it, every little shake of her voice sounds unsure, unplanned, and completely an afterthought to her grating screeches. This is how a pop singer sounds without Auto-Tune, and to someone who actually knows anything about music, or rather, has ears, it sounds like shit. Grow up, kids. Zooey wasn't perfect, but she put on a far more respectful, more beautiful, and more sexy performance of our national anthem.
And if you read this and see a big word and don't know what it means, you're welcome to take it as disrespect, because you're a fucking idiot.
"I'm sorry, but every comment I see from someone picking Demi over Zooey, with few exceptions, reminds me of how woefully uncultured this country is."
I'm sorry but the only un cultured jack ass I see are the people who are choosing Zooey over Demi. And seeing as how this country is about being bigger and better, your think they would chose Demi. She is after all a more gifted singer and a much more stronger singer, yet for the ssb, quite a few simpletons chose Zooey out of "tradition" well in case you haven't noticed, and you haven't let's be honest, tradition has changed. Big time.
"I understand that most of these listeners are untrained observers, which is why Demi screaming high notes subtly off-pitch enough to be grating and shaking her voice around like she thinks she's Mariah Carey would sound interesting to these people."
Lol brilliant. Just brilliant. Really honest I love the hypocrisy of some people. Especially the morons who constant contradict them selves over and over again. First off I like how you chose Zooey over Demi in terms of "quality" but then inadvertently give Mariah praise, when it is this same exact performance that Demi gave would probably be something that she would perform. Lol that's just a wonderful display of hypocrisy there's. However I don't know how your are going to talk about the untrained observer, when it really sounds like you're the one who is the untrained jack ass. Pitchy would imply that she was off key. She wasn't. She started an octave higher but she wasn't off key. That's called preference dear. Nor was she screaming at all. If you bothered to pay attention in 7th grade science or human biology screaming would show rasp and or a strain in her voice. She had none in this rendition. You don't have to be a musical scholar to know that.
"And sure, if it's at a baseball game, I'd understand someone wanting to hear a more uptempo, more exuberant rendition, but when it comes to whose was better, Zooey beat Demi in a landslide."
If by better you mean breathy, pausing, Long winded uninspired, monontnous, boring, bland, cowardly, mind numbing slow and makes you feel like you're in a nursing home waiting for your daily insulin shot, then you would be right. But no you are wrong. As you are wrong here. Anyone with a real music background(which you do not have, but most likely you will make up to try and prove me wrong) would call you foolish to think Demi couldn't sing or didn't do a better job when she put actual effort into this. Also I'm pretty sure there aren't multiple pauses in between verses that Zooey seems to have demonstrated. I guess she didn't get the memo on that little bit right? Also someone should really tell Zooey that it's ok to break out of your comfort zone and actually stay awake during her performance. Just saying
"She started at a pitch that allowed her to beautifully execute her high notes (rather than scream them, as Demi did),"
So in other words she didn't break her comfort zone. She cowardly started at. Low pitch because she knew that she couldn't hit the high notes like a certain 19 year old Texas native had done with gusto right? In other words no vocal projection what so ever. Ok gotcha. And again. Screaming is not the same as vocal projection oh musically inept one.
"added subtle vibrato, and actually sang the actual National Anthem."
Of course she sang the national anthem. Anyone who sings the song automatically sing she national anthem. Is that your argument? That she sang it? Really tk don't over thnk yourself. It's not worth it. Not everyone can have general intelligence.
" I understand that melisma is what's cool now in (top 40) pop music, but when Demi Lovato tries it, every little shake of her voice sounds unsure, unplanned, and completely an afterthought to her grating screeches."
No duh it's unplanned. It's called improv, it's called embellishment it's called passion. It's called singing a live performance the way a live performance is supposed to be sung. Your own. But the fact that you confuse screeching with octave raising and vocal projection makes me question your musical background. Again screeching entails a strained quality a nasal like feature. She had none in is performance and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. You need prop hearing and the ability to tell th difference between a yell and a projected voice. Which you don't have.
"This is how a pop singer sounds without Auto-Tune, "
If this is how a pop singer sounds without auto tune, they should be so lucky. She is one of the most naturally gifted voices Disney has to offer. Pop stars would be so lucky to sound like Demi lovato or Christina aguilera. What do you think they should sound like? Rebecca black? You obviously support her since you're going for bland passionless dentist waiting room music that would playing during a root canal.
"and to someone who actually knows anything about music, or rather, has ears, it sounds like shit."
Well then I guess that wouldn't include you since you obviously don't know anything about music since you are confusing screaming with voice projecting. And I'm starting to think you don't have ears if you honestly think Zooey wins by a landslide with your ho hum definition and has handed argument.
"Grow up, kids."
Says the idiot who uses terms like "big words" lol
"Zooey wasn't perfect, but she put on a far more respectful, more beautiful, and more sexy performance of our national anthem."
The only thing respectful about her performance was that she ended it and that she left e game afterwards. Other than that, from what I see in public responses, half of America can pretty much agree that she almost put the, to sleep. There was nothing respectful about zooey's performance or beautiful. And the only thing I think when I see her is is "tacky" again you obviously confuse the two, that's to be expected
"And if you read this and see a big word and don't know what it means, you're welcome to take it as disrespect, because you're a fucking idiot"
I don't take it as disrespect. I take it as you being a freaking moron since you have to use terms like "big words" no such thing as "big words" my pseudo intellectual friend. Not to mention you sound like an ass clown who got their entire argument after doing a crash search on google.
Also can I point out the fact that you are pretty much comparing two girls with two very differ voice tones? You have to be mentally retarded to not hear that Demi has a higher tone pitch than Zooey. So in essence you're basically comparing apples and oranges. Are you sure you are someone who has ears or someone who knows anything about music? Hell are you someone who knows anything about hearing in general? Lol thats ok. Like I said, not everyone can comprehend common sense. #staystrong TK. Don't let your mental ineptitude hold you back in life.
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