25 Things to Hate About Ryan, The Real World's Worst Cast Member

ryanrealworld225.jpgThe Real World used to cast a bunch of slightly mismatched young adults with obvious ideological and cultural differences, but for the past seven years (give or take), they've chosen six archetypes and one totally toxic center. We had Ayiiia in Cancun, Paula in Key West, and now in Back to New Orleans we have Ryan Leslie, a Tempe, Arizona hairstylist who flits, fumes, and remarks about a female castmate's miniskirt, "You're just asking to get raped." Yep, a charmer on all fronts. And there's 25 more bullets where that came from -- just from last night's premiere! Can you name them? Ready? Go!

1. Purity ring

2. Asymmetrical don't-care hair bleached to perfection

3. Arrives on a skateboard

4. Huffs at everything, can't believe what you just said

5. Isn't gay, you guys

6. Is probably just a member of 3OH!3

7. Is a hybrid of all three dudes from Million Dollar Listing

8. H8s gay people -- or just when they touch him

9. Saves girls who are drunk by yelling at them

10. Calls you trailer trash, waits for you to get angry, and then says, "Let's settle this RIGHT NOW."

11. Can't room with a guy

12. Interrupts a cast member who opens up about a painkiller addiction by claiming that he used to "pop Xanax because my girlfriend used to make me so mad."

13. Ends conversations by saying, "Yeah, let's do it."

14. Aaron Carter face

15. Criss Angel soul

16. Can't believe you made a stupid joke about the bleach in his hair

17. Can't believe you introduced yourself by your last name when that's the name you go by

18. Can't believe you can't understand him

19. Said: "When people say something ignorant, I call them out in a second."

20. Can't be around polite Ryan Knight from Wisconsin because he is a "meathead."

21. Wipes a gay kiss off his neck like it's a locust (after accepting a drink and flirtation from the guy)

22. Insists on "pounding it"

23. Mocks you when you "pound it" weird

24. Says the word "Situation," which you can't do on Real World anymore

25. Covers up a lie about where he wants to sleep by saying, "I'm just keeping it real."


  • Colander says:

    I didn't even realize this was already happening, but I'm glad it is.

  • Keith says:

    So I'm confused... Is he gay, or is he gay?

  • Colander says:

    He's 'not' gay with mild sexuality issues. So...gay, I guess.

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    Reality show GOLD.

  • pinkyt says:

    Just stumbled across the last 20 minutes of this episode and wow, so true. He is sort of like a millenial take on Matt from the first RW NO, but with (hard to imagine) worse hair, further delayed social skills, and less self-awareness.
    "Is a hybrid of all three dudes from Million Dollar Listing". *Shudders* the only good thing about the real estate crash here in LA is the thought that these three might have taken a hit.

  • loudrockmusic says:

    Why isn't everyone tired of this parade of shitheads already? I can't be the only one!

  • kenny says:

    Yep. Pretty much nailed it. Although, note, he was actually on a longboard, an even lamer version of a skateboard.
    I can't actually watch this series if this is this guy's deal. Even if it is totally contrived.

  • kenny says:

    also, jemmye is gross in the face

  • caitlin says:

    aww I adore him!

  • Jonna says:

    He blow dries his body. #26!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LeslieGrace says:

    I can't believe you even put him in the same group as 3OH!3, I LOVE 3OH!3 and that dude's a loser and a pill poppin poser!

  • Mikey M says:

    What a weirdo this guy is. I haven't watched the Real World in something like 10 years but was channel surfing and came across this seasons first episode. The dude has one of those toxic personalities where he wants to be the center of attention 24/7 and wants to cause trouble all the time.
    He gets drinks from a gay Man and that's alright but one kisses him and he acts like a closeted psycho
    If this boy has never been with a guy, I would be surprised and if he hasn't he should be.

  • Chucky says:

    It's an insult so gay people everywhere to call this person gay.

  • Chucky says:


  • Kalynn says:

    There is nothing wrong with RYAN I love the way he is. He might be a little mean bit that's prestons fault for being so retated

  • Beth says:

    Ryan is the worst! He is obsessed with being knight's friend and c*ckblocking everybodys fun. Least likeable cast member BY FAR!

  • Cayala says:

    As for him being gay....it's my opinion that he is (sorry to all my gay friends) but in complete and profound denial. However, his true crimes are that he's crippled by being severely neurotic, narcissistic, emotionally dysfunctional and barren. He's the epitome of a true 'tortured soul'. Unfortunately, he's also very cruel and enjoys making people miserable all along the way.

  • KyLie NicoLe JoNas:) says:

    Okay, that's it! Ryan-NOTHING TO HATE ABOUT HIM:)
    He does not hate gay people!
    Whoever put this up here, come talk to me!!!!!!!!
    He is not less likable! -To Beth^^ & He's not obsessed with being Knight's fraaand! You Loser! & KALYNN I agree with you 100%:) HE'S NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-To MIKEY m! YOURE PROBABLY GAY SO SHOVE IT!EVERYBODY INCLUDING YOU KENNY & ANYONE ELSE WHO LEAVES A MEAN COMMENT KISS MY BOOOTY!!! BYEEEEEEEEEE.


    This bitch is dumb. That is all. Oh and that homo Ryan that she loves is a dumb bitch too.

  • Nikki says:

    Ryan is not gay...he is a woman trapped in a man's body...just transition already...you will be a lot happier:)

  • Jim says:

    What a tool that guy is. He wipes Preston's cigs on his butt, then calls the cops when Preston pees on his toothbrush. I would truly like to punch him in the face.

  • Terren says:

    Preston didn't know about his cigarettes when he peed on Ryan's toothbrush. Preston is no innocent victim.

  • El says:

    I still like him and I think he is most interesting and hottest on this season (:

  • rose says:

    hahah he left. i really wanted eric to beat the shit outta him but then he would have to leave also. so... but the down side, there will be less drama. oh dang.

  • Noelle Morrone says:

    do u know how many people in the world are like ryan? ...some worse! why does he get called out when there are thousands of people in the world like him..sure he annoys the rest of the cast...but once again...alot of ppl in the world are burdened with dealing with ppl like him...in all reality...miley cyrus being herself is still worse than ryan.......jusss sayin...i happen to think ryan just different...and because of that you ppl call him a freak..shush!