Will Someone Stop Celebrity Trainer Tracy Anderson Before She Strikes Again?


Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson is my constant, in that whenever she is in the news, it is for humiliating one of her clients under the guise of self-improvement. Anderson is already well-known for turning Madonna into a befuddled, sinewy scarecrow, and for giving Gwyneth Paltrow a body-dysmorphic diet-and-exercise obsession that clearly necessitates an intervention. Still, what she's done to Jennifer Aniston may be her worst crime yet.

I think we can all agree that Aniston is humiliated enough in the strangely ravenous press, yes-no? This Huffington Post headline is probably not going to help matters:


Why yes, a 41-year-old celebrity is paying her personal trainer to make her eat baby food. Then again, Anderson has a habit of making people do things they should never do in their right minds. Gwyneth Paltrow, a perfectly fine-looking person, is somehow convinced she has a "batwing" problem with her nonexistent upper arms and thus Anderson has forced her to drink kale juice and do incredibly awful exercise, constantly, which she then must upload to YouTube:

Frankly, I am surprised that Anderson let Paltrow disable comments on that one, since public humiliation seems to be a key calorie-burning cornerstone of her weight-loss program.

No but seriously, woman be crazy! She invents nose-breaking gym equipment! She steals gym equipment and lies about her credits! She has a chimney sweep in her entourage (already weird enough) and was jailed for failure to pay said sweep! And yet she makes mega-millions to be famous women's exercise svengali, even though her approach could best be designed as "see whether these celebrities will do the absolute worst, most tortuous and embarrassing thing I can come up with, then pay me for the privilege."

I am telling you, it is only a matter of time before Madonna and Gwyneth and Jennifer Aniston are sewn together in a human centipede for what Tracy Anderson alleges to be "the best possible way to eliminate those cottage cheese thighs." And then Magwyfer (as the 'pede will be known) will have to give some glowing quotes about it to Us Weekly. Stop this woman now, before her diabolical plan comes to fruition!


  • happygolucky says:

    Will this diet keep her biological clock ticking longer and stronger?

  • rickybobby says:

    Why do you care what Tracy Anderson does or any of the others for that matter? She has a fantastic workout program that works.

  • Madame Taunt says:

    Just throw a bucket of water on her- she'll melt in no time.

  • your mom says:

    THANK YOU for this. She's a lifetime Tracy Gold movie come t life.

  • Martini Shark says:

    I think I understand now: All these years I heard of women complaining about Barbie dolls giving girls the wrong physical image to live up to as they grow up. What they have been saying is, "Barbie is way too fat!"

  • Philip says:

    There is an interesting post at the Health Journal Club that makes the case that people should just not eat anything that wasn't a food 100 years ago. Sure gets rid of all the aspartame, trans-fats, artificial food dyes, etc, etc, that they try and pass off as food these days.

  • TurdBlossom says:

    Great post. Wonder what Anderson has on Paltrow that she keeps shilling for her. Whatever it is, it must be good.

  • Holy shit, you're right. I wolfed down some baby food this morning and it cured my hangover like that. Where were you 10 years ago, Tracy?

  • Rocio Wiese says:

    Oh God! You have no idea how much money and time you could have saved for me if I had read your article sooner. Thanks so much.

  • Amy Westervelt says:

    Ahem. It's "someone", not "some one." Never, ever criticize English or grammar unless you have a superior grasp of both. That is all.

  • Sherry says:

    ALL cardio workouts make you look like an idiot.
    The question is, whether or not they give you a good workout and work the muscles you want to work and do what you need them to do. That video of Tracy's that you present may look silly, but just watching it made my upper arms tired. I bet it's a really good workout for your arms and shoulders and (it seems) your abs and torso. Also, some of the music were like dance, which could make it more fun. And the music was decent enough to make me want to try it (some cardio workouts have terrible, canned music).
    I will admit I have never tried any of Tracy's workouts. I'm just offering observations based on the video you present.
    The rest, I don't give a damn about. If Gwyneth wants to work out like a maniac, or if Jennifer Aniston wants to try baby food, that's their decisions. They have the ability to say no to Tracy if they don't want to do it. I have weight I want to lose, but I'm not going to try something that ridiculous in order to attain it. I may, however, try her workout DVDs, because that seems like something I could add to my rotation of workouts, to keep things from getting boring. Again, just my 2 cents.

  • Sherry says:

    Apologies for the typo in my previous post.
    I meant to say: some of the MOVES were like dance...

  • This is good! How did you learn about this when you were a newbie?

  • Jen says:

    Lets all get out of our chair, play the YouTube clip, do the routine, then lets chat. Ready...go!

  • Agustina says:

    i been doing tracy and she is great!!!! , im sure i wont be eating baby food but probably is much better than some crp around... so shssss !! and just work out!!

  • The Zone. Moderately low on the carbs yet moderately high on the proteins. Encourages low-fat protein foods like fish and chicken plus veggies, fruits and grains. It is also healthy but lacking in grains and calcium.

  • erin says:

    Wow Ricky Did Tracy have you write this?
    I am from INdianapolis and yes she is a thief in belongs behind bars not LIFTING them. GREAT ARTICLE! BRAVO~!!!!

  • Master Trainer says:

    Self Indulgence!!! Tracy just loves to watch herself in the mirror. This workout is fine if you just want to move around. Many people just aren't coordinated enough to follow such a routine. However, don't think this will tone your abs, arms or any other part of the body for that matter. She rarely moves her legs so there's not a whole lot of caloric expenditure either. Oh, just so you know "Tracy looks the way she does because she does NOT eat." This is not my opinion. I happen to know her nutritionist. She is good but Tracy lives solely on a liquid diet. For all those who want the skinny, sinewy look follow Tracy and Dance, Don't eat and avoid weights at all possible costs.

  • Adriana says:

    I am not a Tracy Anderson fan, but I think you just turned me into one. Your speaking so low of her made me feel you had a jealousy issue and a lack of self-confidence in yourself. The kind that is required in order to put others down and tear them apart to make oneself feel better. I was looking for a trainers method and overlooked Tracy Anderson, but now you have really made me think she is the one to go to. Thanks!

  • kaysha says:

    I am in the beginning stages of my Tracy Anderson workout experience. Her workouts are great for me. I won't make judgment on her personal life, as it's not my place, but the bottom line is: the knowledge she has of her profession is inspiring women to get healthy in a country that is over medicated & increasingly overweight. Hmm.. lets see, I'm a busy woman on the go, should I snack on a potentially deadly diet/energy pill or nutrient rich baby food? I've honestly enjoyed sampling some of my son's babyfood - I'm not gonna eat it for breakfast, lunch & dinner (neither is Jen) but it certainly serves as a healthier, more nutrient rich, chemical-preservative free snack when I'm too busy to get something more substantial. If you did your research, you'd know that Jennifer Aniston is only replacing her snack cravings with baby food (pureed whole food in 4-6oz. form) instead of salts, sweets or other finger foods. And that is her decision, not yours.
    My motivation, was getting my pre-baby body back 14 months post-partum, because before gaining 45 prego pounds, my body was very "Tracy-esque". Not because I was a vain, anorexic barbie but because I'm an athletic gal who has been genetically blessed with a 5'3" slender body type! I grew up on soul food and Italian. As I got older, I discovered organic, healthier options and incorporated them into my family's ethnic cuisine. I'm very familiar with how jealousy works and I've been hated on by lots of females since middle school because of my body type, full chest & full lips (another inherited trait). It's ridiculous. We are all very different. What works for you is different than what may work for someone else. I don't believe that Tracy's method will do the job for every single woman out there but at least give it a try. She has given me the motivation that I had been lacking to get healthier after my son's birth. That rear facing mirrored youtube helped me see the exact positioning I needed to maximize my workout. I also love dancing and kale (part of the collard green family) which my grandma has been feeding me in her soups & stew for years!

  • Melina says:

    Just by reading your post, it is easy o tell that you know nothing abou Tracy Andersons workout! The video above shows only a mini part of her workout. These arms movements are not intended to build muscles, but to give you "ballet dancer arms", meaning to tighten your arms and to get rid of sagging skin! It is not a leg or butt work out and has nothing to do with her cardio routines!
    Please inform yourself, before you critize someones great work!!

  • Exzo Emelle says:

    Tracy has a successful program that caters to the unique needs of celebrity women. She encourages women of all ages and walks of life to exercise regularly, eat whole and natural foods, and know that if you want to see health changes you must take action. Is this really such a bad message for a fattening America? Sure she may have a few blotches on her life record and botched business practices, but most people share the same condition - and worse. I say put down the stones, and turn up the music. xoML

  • anita torgus says:

    I have been doing her work out for about a year and love it!!!!!!!! I really don't care about her personal life. My legs have never been stronger and my arms have never been leaner. I love her!!!! My body feels great thanks to her. I'm getting ready to buy her metamorphis video next.

  • Koowie says:

    My wife likes her...not sure why.

  • Betty Ann says:

    Great post! Thanks for spreading the word!Stop cutting out students who desperately wish to contribute but cannot simply because of nonsense bureaucracy.