Movieline's 15 Favorite Videos of 2009

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Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt Improv 500 Days of Summer Mute Elevator Scene

At the Movieline-presented Hamilton Behind the Camera Awards this year, Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt decided to pay tribute to screenwriters Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber by reenacting (500) Days of Summer's elevator scene without using their script. The levels of cuteness are nearly unbearable.

Remember the Musical Sequence from (500) Days of Summer? Prepare to Have Your Mind Blown.

Still, could it compare to Shorewood High School's "lip-dub" of the Hall and Oates classic "You Make My Dreams," which spurred a whole musical sequence in (500) Days? I think nothing could.

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  • I bet those great questions and the shirtless man have nothing to do with his decision to stop doing press conferences. None what so ever.

  • SunnydaZe says:

    You know, if Marilyn Monroe were alive today and wasn't famous that so would have been a cellphone vid she would have posted on her youtube site...

  • I think that Marilyn Monroe was killed, but am not really sure, everyone says that she was happy just hours before her death, but we all know that she has been depressed and suicidal before,