Movieline's 15 Favorite Videos of 2009

World Squealing Record Broken As New Moon Star Taylor Lautner Describes Sculpting His New Body For 6500 Fans

The newly grown-up (yet still not quite legal!) Tasmanian Lautner got his due at this year's Comic-Con, where an RPatz-weaned audience suddenly felt their allegiances shifting, their hormones rising, and their urge to tear off men's shirts AAAAAHHHH OHHHMYYYYGODDDD!

Daniel Radcliffe Gives Japan's #1 Harryjuku Girl the Thrill of a Lifetime

Still, American fangirls have a lot of room for improvement if Japan's number-one Harry Potter fan is any indication. Nearly made to faint when she puts on the sorting hat, only to forget her own name and bodily functions after being surprised by a game Daniel Radcliffe, she's one for the ages.

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  • I bet those great questions and the shirtless man have nothing to do with his decision to stop doing press conferences. None what so ever.

  • SunnydaZe says:

    You know, if Marilyn Monroe were alive today and wasn't famous that so would have been a cellphone vid she would have posted on her youtube site...

  • I think that Marilyn Monroe was killed, but am not really sure, everyone says that she was happy just hours before her death, but we all know that she has been depressed and suicidal before,