How a Photo of Adam 'The Ferosh Hulk' Lambert Ignited a Gokey-Hating Revolution


There's an interesting struggle for the top spots of the Twitter Top 40 going on. #nicerfilmtitles refuses to give up, even climbing a notch or two to third place (it's gotta run out of steam pretty soon, as it got old kind of quick). But the new trending topic of #gokeyisadouche has shot up the ranks, even surpassing for a while #iranelection -- the global political movement that has inspired many users to tint their avatars green in support of Iranian democracy -- to take the top spot. Why the sudden surge of collective animus against the Aerosmith-butchering American Idol finalist? It's an interesting story, actually, and it also involves something tinted green.

It begins, as so many things do, in the hallowed halls of ohnotheydidnt: an online community of like-minded, Chris Pine-pining Kathy Griffin addicts at the forefront of all GIF-animation sciences. In a post titled "douchebag danny strikes again" and authored by user "petit_tresor" (who years from now will be referred to in American Idol History courses as the Betsy Ross of the Gokeyisadouche movement), it's revealed that the Facebook account of a female cousin of Gokey's had been hacked into. A series of photographs were then posted, all taken at a dinner attended by the Idol finalists. As the cousin describes it, Gokey had printed out the photo of Lambert decked out in a Froggy Stardust and the Tadpoles from Mars-type outfit. The commentary that accompanied it:

Adam was supper P.O.ed when he saw it his voice went all high pitched and he said "What the F***!" "where did you get this" Danny is all like just sign it. Adam said "You owe me for this!" LOL! My dad and I just laugh all night long about it, I thought he would be proud of the picture... i guess not...


What follows is a long list of comments from friends of the "OK, I just puked!!!" and "UH? SICK!!!!!"-variety. Not exactly the kind of thing you want to have available to the rabid Lambert fanbase -- or, for that matter, among anyone with a low tolerance for overt homophobia.

Still, that in itself might not have been enough to rouse the Twitter masses. But it just so happens that Gokey said the following in a live chat with Comcast yesterday:

"Yes. I accept gay people, but people have to accept my beliefs. We have to accept their beliefs, but they have to accept my beliefs. We agree to disagree. I don't judge people, but at the same time, if they believe in what they believe, they have to accept me and what I believe. But I accept anybody as they come. That's my character and my personality."

And voila! A Douche-o-lution is born.

In other Idol news, David Archuleta's stage dad was busted back in January at a happy-ending-friendly massage parlor.

UPDATE: Twitter has removed #gokeyisadouche from the Trending Topics list, inspiring a new trending topic from the outraged, Gokey-loathing masses: #twitterisadouche.

The revolution will not be tweeterized.

· douchebag danny strikes again [ONTD]

· Danny Gokey's Official Twitter


  • Shirley says:

    "Danny Gokey is a douche" is not news to me. I have always hated him for using his wife to gather sympathy votes on American Idol. And after all these nasty leaks of his family members, I am not surprised. It's disgusting how they humiliated Adam. The whole Gokey family has absolutely no class.
    I'm just glad I don't have to see Gokey anymore (heard he's not getting signed because he's not marketable)

  • briannah says:


  • lost_coastlines says:

    We here at ONTD enjoy this article greatly.

  • Lisanne says:

    Clarification: Gokey and family managed to anger more than Adam Lambert's fanbase. Many participants were outraged by the homophobia, regardless of intended victim.

  • #adamisthebest says:

    This was epic. #gokeyisadouche IS NOT news, but the fact this went for a couple hours should make it known he's not a favorite, and neither are his "beliefs" gtfo gokey. #adamisthebest is another new trend trying to be started btw

  • KLC says:

    OH NO THEY DIDNT WON THE INTERNET TONIGHT. Mind you, it wouldn't have happened if the mass public themselves didn't agree, thus validating the statement.

  • roxanne says:

    omg ontd is famous.

  • Rich says:

    #gokeyisadouche is more about the message that homophobia is not accepted rather than the intended individuals (adam/danny), although it started out that way on ONTD

  • Seth Abramovitch says:

    You're right. I amended the post to reflect that.

  • Connie says:

    As a few other people have noted, this is more so about homophobia being unacceptable than it is indignant Lambert fans trying to protect their favorite.

  • yue says:


  • anja says:

    O well done for picking this up. Gokey family have been put in the Hall of Shame. People who call themselves "godly" and act so unlovingly.
    They just dont get it - its not about going to church on sundays its about being an open hearted kind human being. And to boot, they are so unattractive looking I mean whats with that?
    Enough said, they dont even love themselves enuf.

  • petit_tresor says:


  • jenn says:

    ONTD & ONTD_AI made me proud tonight. Doesn't matter if you love Lambert, or Gokey. Homophobia still deserves what it gets.

  • How I was Raised says:

    Gokey is a tool. I think that's been established by many of his comments. He things being gay is a "belief" and he dances around the religion lines but ultimately, what he's saying is if you are gay you will burn in hell.
    Reading this cousins facebook, and hearing about Gokey's father, well, we learn that the whole Gokey clan is just a big ol' family full of ignorance.
    I watched a video recently about the Miss California thing where she said "it's how I was raised." The person making the video (gocheeksgo) said something along the lines of "I'm going to use that from now on. It's just how I was raised.
    That's what I think of when I think of Gokey. It's just how he was raised. I pray for his future children.

  • KASSIE says:


  • Jussie says:

    Wow, what a bunch of homophobic hypocrites. It's absolutely disgusting how some people behave under the banner of being "good christians".
    I can only hope they feel ashamed of their actions and take note that the public at large do not share their small minded ignorant views.

  • CARRIE says:

    Could NEVER STAND Gokey! Now in addition to his TERRIBLE singing and hideous face, he is also a HUGE FAKE BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kyle Buchanan says:

    Oh, Twitter.
    Yes, TIME, you put this on your cover.

  • Glambert 3153 says:

    Unbelievable that he calls himself a Christian

  • icallthebigonebitey says:

    Adam, you stay. Danny, it's time for you to sashay, away.

  • icallthebigonebitey says:

    Also, can I just say that anyone who owns more than one pair of glasses is not allowed to cast aspersions on gays, mmmkay?

  • NoWireHangers says:

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. Archie's daddums was busted at a massage parlor back in January and this is Seth's first mention of it? Love is blind, no?
    Yeah, Gokey's a douche but everyone already knew that. He's the music director at a mega church. He wears Sally Jesse glasses. He has the cool adult contemporary stylings of a young Steve Winwood. The signs were always there, people. The whole vague insinuation that he believes gay people are going to hell is the equivalent of a finishing spritz of Axe Cologne.

  • Teresa says:

    I dont have twitter but this saddens me terribly. Adam is always full of grace and class. What a terrible thing to do to your fellow competitor. Adam was about helping each competitor. I think Danny needs to do some internal investigation of his own heart. Assuming he has one...

  • nelmikenj says:

    Yep, Gookey's a douche. No surprise there, now the world knows that too. How can 1 person hate so much as he?????