Also in Monday morning's news round-up, Your Sister's Sister leads in the specialty box office over a very quiet weekend for limited release titles, Warner Bros. beats the rap after Louis Vuitton tries to bag the studio for knockoff joke, and you too can figure out how to find a bad movie.
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In the opening scene of Lynn Shelton’s fourth feature we join a conversation in progress. Or a few conversations: Voices overlap, rise and fall, fade in and out; it’s a party, small enough to sustain a few low-volume simultaneous conversations, large enough to fill the room with chatter. As in Shelton’s previous films, My Effortless Brilliance and Humpday, in Your Sister’s Sister we join the central characters at a moment of convergence, after a period of separation or crisis and before it becomes clear things can’t go on as they were before.
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Local filmmaker Lynn Shelton's latest, Your Sister's Sister starring Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt and Mark Duplass will open the Seattle International Film Festival, ushering in the 38th edition of the late spring event which will feature 273 features and 187 shorts from 75 countries. The lineup includes 24 world premieres along with 25 North American and 16 U.S. debuts. 180 of the total do not currently have U.S. distribution.
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