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Dark Knight Rises Cinematographer Calls The Avengers 'Appalling'

Dark Knight Rises Cinematographer Calls The Avengers 'Appalling'

They were two of the biggest movies in terms of box office this summer - and likely for all of 2012, yet the battle between The Dark Knight Rises and Marvel's The Avengers opened a new front in the artistic sphere. TDKR made just over $1.07 billion worldwide (with a $250 million production budget), while Marvel's The Avengers roared on with a $1.511 billion worldwide gross (and a production budget reportedly at $220 million). One cinematographer offered up his own impressions about the rival's merits, calling it "appalling."
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Darren Aronofsky's Anti-Meth PSAs: Requiem Redux

Darren Aronofsky's Anti-Meth PSAs: Requiem Redux

Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream alone might've been enough to scare most folks away from hard drugs for forever, but it came out all the way back in 2000, when today's teenagers were mere toddlers. So as part of the public service program The Meth Project, which seeks to educate (or at least frighten the bejeezus out of) would-be first-time drug users, Aronofsky stepped in to direct four TV spots highlighting the nightmarish consequences of meth use. BE SCARED, KIDS.

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