Also in Tuesday afternoon's round-up of news briefs Topher Grace and Anthony Mackie join a new pic. Sony Classics picks a new title for U.S. release. And, Morgan Spurlock names a new exec at his production company.
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"There's this expression that it's written three times: during the script, when you're filming it and when you're editing it. And I believe that's wrong. I think it's written once, in editing — and everything is clay for that. And I wanted to learn about it — I thought it would be neat. It's like learning to play the piano and I need a lot of clay. And I thought if I did one movie out of these three ... whatever. [...] But I'm never going to show it to anyone. So I think that's why they were cool with it. By the way: It doesn't make fun of Star Wars at all." Also: Close Encounters is apparently Grace's next. Now you know. [Huffington Post]

Thanks to the magic of DVD and editing software, Star Wars fans have had their way with George Lucas's space saga for years now, re-editing bits and parts of the films into fan cuts to celebrate their favorite parts of the franchise (and fix its most cringeworthy bits). So why should famous fanboys be any different? Like, say, Topher Grace, who this week hosted a one-time only screening of his Star Wars: Episode III.5: The Editor Strikes Back, edited down from the prequels into an 85-minute cut that leaves most of the snoozey old space politics (and Jar Jar Binks' screen time) on the cutting-room floor. To the blogs!
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American audiences came to love English actor Stephen Moyer as sexy, small-town vampire Bill Compton on HBO's hit show True Blood. But when the award-winning Alan Ball series goes on hiatus -- as it is now between its fourth and fifth seasons -- the accomplished stage actor fits in as many film projects as he can. The latest being The Double, Michael Brand's directorial debut which co-stars Moyer as a Soviet psychopath assassin who is locked behind bars with only a gruesome facial scar and a secret -- a secret that Richard Gere and Topher Grace try to wheedle out of him as they investigate the murder of a senator in this political thriller.
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