Also in today's Biz Break: Tim Heidecker's polarizing Comedy finds a buyer, Matthew Lillard's Fat Kid heads to Cannes, an Italian festival war turns even uglier, and more...
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As any meander through the movies that have their origins in Saturday Night Live sketches will demonstrate, comedic ideas that work in the short form do not necessarily a funny feature make. You have your Wayne's Worlds, sure, but then you also have your Night at the Roxburys and It's Pats, interminable variations on the same joke dragged out longer than anyone either watching or on the screen wanted. The comedy of Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, creators of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, might as well come from a different galaxy as those SNL bits, but Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie has at least one thing in common with The Ladies Man — neither demanded nor benefits from the leap to the big screen.
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Park City did indeed turn out to be a robust marketplace this year, with buyers snapping up over two dozen features and docs out of Sundance 2012. Ranging from genre pleasers to indie charmers to potential future Oscar picks and beyond – and veering from critical fest duds to overwhelming crowd favorites – the class of Sundance ’12 is an intriguingly mixed-but-mostly-promising bag of films that will be dotting the cinematic landscape in the year or so to come. Here’s an updated comprehensive look at what sold and which films you should be looking forward to.
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Movieline caught up with Will Forte this week in Park City, where he was at Sundance to support Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim’s absurdist midnight offering Tim & Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie. In the film, Forte plays the uptight, moustachioed owner of a sword store in a mall that bumbling filmmakers Tim and Eric have taken over following the epic failure of their brush with Hollywood. Forte compared the more restricted sensibilities of his gig on Saturday Night Live to working within the madcap, surrealist stylings of the cult duo.
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The Wrap reports that filming has begun on the feature film spin-off of Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim's sketch show Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, and shares a few juicy-but-vague production details: Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Will Forte, Jeff Goldblum, John C. Reilly, Robert Loggia, and William Atherton will co-star; the plot will follow Tim and Eric as they biff a big Hollywood movie deal and become businessmen in a "semi-abandoned" mall; and the film's budget is, naturally, $1 billion. Go get that Oscar, boys. [The Wrap]