Earlier today Movieline caught up with director/digital wunderkind Jon M. Chu, helmer of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, to follow-up on the recently announced Director's Fan Cut hitting North American theaters on Friday. While you wait with bated breath for the full chat, posting on Wednesday, find out why Chu pegged David Fincher's The Social Network to come home with Oscar gold this Sunday.
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Now that the Super Bowl is over, we can focus on the real cultural event of the year: The Academy Awards! To kick off a very special new series of guest Oscar predictions, Movieline consulted British actor Jamie Bell, the star of this week's The Eagle -- and, at the age of 24, veteran of four Oscar-nominated films -- to see which films he's betting on to take home Oscar gold.
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Earlier today we were tickled by tales of Bob and Harvey Weinstein's genius early '80s sexifying shenanigans, but this afternoon brings allegations of shady accounting and legal chicanery lobbied by none other than former collaborator Michael Moore, who claims the Weinsteins deceived him out of millions in profits from his 2004 documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. Naturally, we wonder: What's this mean for the Oscar race?
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