Three decades and change after publishing his 1977 classic The Shining (which made its way into horror movie history a few years later courtesy of Stanley Kubrick), Stephen King has set a release date for his Shining sequel, Doctor Sleep. "Scribner and Hodder & Stoughton have established September 24, 2013 as the official first publication date," King's official website announced today.
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Also in Monday morning's round-up of news briefs, Killer Joe shrugs off its NC-17 and performs solid over the weekend; Remembering Norman Alden and The Gatekeepers is heading your way.
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At long last, the meeting of influential cinema icon Stanley Kubrick and the amorphous multi-headed entity known collectively as The Kardashians has occurred, and here is the photographic evidence: Kendall and Kylie Jenner, younger sisters of Kim Kardashian and the other two from that show you know you watch when no one else is looking, pose a la the creepy twins from The Shining with matriarch Kris Jenner as... uh, you tell me.
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Accepting an award last weekend at George Mason University, novelist Stephen King treated the audience to a reading of a passage from Dr. Sleep, his still-in-progress follow-up to The Shining. Remember little Danny Torrance, running from his deranged father (Jack Nicholson) in Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film version? Well, Danny's all grown up now, using his gift to help people die peacefully. And there are vampires, because why not?
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