Oh, good: The legal battle that threatened to derail the illustrious "people stitched together" Human Centipede series has been settled, enabling director Tom Six and franchise star Dieter Laser to move forward in the name of art on The Human Centipede 3. (Guess that answers this question... or does it?) According to EW, with a peaceful accord achieved in the Human Centipede universe, Six and Laser are now moving forward on the third and most extreme pic in the franchise to date, which will culminate in the groundbreaking 500-person centipede chain audiences have been clamoring for.
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Breaking news: The third installment of Tom Six's Human Centipede saga -- which the director promised would see 500 human beings stitched together... in America! -- may be in trouble. According to reports cobbled together through press releases and Twitter missives from Six and his Human Centipede star, Dieter Laser, the German actor took issue with certain script elements, causing him to walk. Six says he'll sue. Will the script and contract issues be resolved in time to get the erstwhile Dr. Heiter on set for the shoot, commencing later this year? WILL THE PEOPLE OF EARTH GET THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE THREEQUEL THEY WANT DESERVE DREAD??
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Oh, lovely: After staging his body-stitching horror pic The Human Centipede (First Sequence) in Germany and getting banned in the U.K. for upping the twisted thrills (and the number of victims) in the Britain-set Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), director Tom Six plans to finish his trilogy in the good old U.S.A. "We're going to shoot the third film entirely in America and it's going to be my favorite," he said during the Empire Presents... Big Screen event in London, where he promised that the threequel would "make the last one look like a Disney film." Hold onto your asses, America. [Empire via Twitch]