I love horror films, but it's real life that gives me the heebie jeebies. And when I think about the cinematic moments that haunt my nightmares, they're rarely from scary movies. Sure, escapism is involved (and a bit of time travel) — just not the supernatural. With that in mind, here's a list of the top five movie scenes that make my skin crawl. I hope they inspire you to come up with more in the comments section. more »

After today's big Rich Ross news, I can't pass up the chance to share a Rick Ross item. As in "Freeway" Rick Ross, the notorious '80s drug lord with ties to Iran-Contra/social networking guru/film producer who has a Nick Cassavetes-penned biopic in the works (not to be confused with Rick Ro$$ the rapper). It's early yet, but with Scarface producer Martin Bregman allegedly interested, the former drug kingpin gave Shadow & Act an update on the project.
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The year is drawing to a close, which means that it is time to start thinking about all the things you did not accomplish in 2011. (That Ghostbusters 3 script? Still unread. That copycat Wedding Crashers crime you committed in college? Still unresolved in court.) But before you do that, let's take a look back at some of my favorite Movieline stories that punctuated this remarkably unproductive calendar year.
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