With J.J. Abrams not quite yet confirmed (but expected) to return to helm Star Trek 2, which Paramount has already set for a June 29, 2012 release, Deadline does the math: That leaves 13 months to go from what Paramount currently has in hand -- a 70 page outline, according to Roberto Orci -- to fully delivered film. But is that truly enough time to finish scripting, prep, shoot, and edit a massive, effects-heavy summer action tent pole?
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For a summer blockbuster whose makers are trying to emphasize its seriousness, Cowboys & Aliens sure is shaping up to be a fun little dust-tinged ride through the alien-infested Wild West. Or is it the Wilde West, now that marketing materials are giving fans the sense that resident hottie Olivia Wilde is actually in this thing? Behold, the second full trailer for Jon Favreau's Cowboys & Aliens, packed with more (partial) alien peeks, more action, naked Olivia Wilde AND shirtless Daniel Craig! Yes, there's something for everyone.
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When it comes to conventions, Jon Favreau is nothing if not a man of the nerd people. Mindful of how much he owes to the Comic-Con faithful for jump-starting early word of mouth on the Iron Man franchise, he came to San Francisco this weekend with a treat: Nine minutes of footage from Cowboys & Aliens cut exclusively for the WonderCon audience, including a special reveal of the film's big, bad aliens -- aliens that Favreau otherwise intends to keep under wraps.
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