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The 9 Most Handsomely Stoic Pics From George Clooney's Sudan Protest Arrest

George Clooney protests outside the Sudanese Embassy, March 16 2012 (Getty Images)

Friday in Washington D.C., Secret Service agents arrested protesters gathered at the Sudanese Embassy to draw attention to the ongoing humanitarian and food crisis in the North African nation. Among those charged: Members of Congress, Martin Luther King III, the president of the NAACP, journalist Nick Clooney, and his son, George Clooney, whose star power lent the protest an elevated media platform. Ol' George has long been vocal in his political activism, using his celebrity to help shed light on humanitarian concerns, and as evidenced by these 9 most handsomely stoic of Clooney shots from today, he makes social activism look darn good.
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Sundance Pundit Poll: How Much Do You Care About Red State?

Between taking to the web to pull a Tyler Perry, announcing a public auction for distribution rights, and issuing his own press release publicizing a protest of the protest of his film, Kevin Smith's done all he could to wring every ounce of publicity out of his Sundance entry, Red State. (What is this, Slamdance?) But how much does anyone care, really?

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