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Safe Director Boaz Yakin on New York’s ‘Beautiful Decrepitude’ and the Secret of Jason Statham’s Tears

Boaz Yakin (Getty Images)

Filmmaker Boaz Yakin has taken a circuitous route through the years tackling indie dramas (Fresh, A Price Above Rubies, Death in Love) and studio gigs (Remember the Titans, Uptown Girls) alike, not to mention his writing stints on films like Prince of Persia and producing duties on the Hostel films. But this week’s Safe, a frenetic throwback actioner starring Jason Statham, marks a return to his roots — both to the streets of New York he grew up loving and to the genre beginnings that gave him his start.
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Newswire || ||

Lola Versus: Drool Over Greta Gerwig As She Cries Over Your New RoboCop, Joel Kinnaman

Greta Gerwig and Joel Kinnaman in Lola Versus

Maybe it's because I've been obsessing more than usual over Joel Kinnaman since rolling through all of Season 1 of AMC's The Killing in a matter of days (I know, late to the party), but I dare any other Kinnaman-lover out there to watch the new trailer for Lola Versus and not fixate on the future RoboCop's 10 seconds of trailer screen time. Phew. That said, it's quite winning on its own, thanks to Greta Gerwig's charm and the hazy-golden gleam of the New York City streets she's traipsing along as she tries to figure out what to do after fiance Kinnaman calls off their engagement.
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